Fun times in Newcastle

Oct 28, 2008 16:03

October has basically disappeared in front of my eyes, November on Saturday and then we only have one month til the Christmas season. The uni shuts down on Dec 19 this year, so two days later then last year and 2days less in leave. This is because Christmas is later in the week so we’ll have plenty of time to go Christmas shopping. Well I think that’s how the uni handles it; usually you finish early so you have a few days to shop. I shouldn’t need those few days this year though as I’m on the ball and I’ve already started picking things up. I have less family this year as well, though it would be nice to rustle a few things up and send to Canada for my darling sister. Seeing as I’ve missed her birthday now I’ll have to send double as much!

So I went to Newcastle on 7 October for a couple of weeks and had the best time. I got to see Emma who I haven’t seen since July 2006 and we were just the same as we always are. That’s the great thing about mine and Emma’s friendship, it’s always managed hundreds of kilometres apart, when ever we do manage to see each other we are like sisters and nothing ever really changes.

On my first day we went out to the stables to see Emma’s horse ‘Breeza’ and the other one which is in care of her. His name is ‘Pete’. She has to go down to the stables at least twice a day to feed them, clean their stables and let them out in the day. Breeza was such a beautiful horse and I fell in love with him straight away. He’s now 17-18yrs old so he’s a middle aged horse (in horse years). I jumped on straight away but Emma had to walk him round for me as I’m such a newbie I wouldn’t know the commands or how to put my weight around. Apparently they feel you and know if you’re not confident. She didn’t want him squishing me on my first day!

On my second day they took me to ‘Westfield’ their biggest shopping centre where I went mental. Spent $800 in a couple of hours haha. We had dinner there that night and I met Emma’s new boyfriend ‘David’ who at 32 is 10years her senior. He certainly didn’t act it though! Lol. He was such a lovely guy, though I didn’t get much of his sarcasm and weirdo jokes. He’d say the stupidest things trying to be funny and I just didn’t see the funny side… Well he is full blown maltese so maybe it’s a wog thing? His mother will be the worst mother in law when and if they get married. Emma had to go to Melb the week before I went down as that’s where his family live and she was pretty awful. She’s very controlling and made Emma feel left out a lot. It’s hard when David doesn’t even see it, he see’s his mum as being helpful and loving, and doesn’t see how she pushes Emma’s buttons. Some of the things she did were horrible, I know I wouldn’t be able to cope. I’m so lucky James’s mum is the sweetest little lady ever, however I don’t think she will ever become my mother in law… you never know though do you.

My first Friday we had a nice dinner outside in the chilly wind. I was rugged up to the max and still felt cold! The nights got down to about 11 degrees most of the time I was there and the days were sunny and about mid to low 20s. there was one or two days where it dropped below 20 and rained… felt a little like Melb on those days. We saw ‘The Duchess’ after dinner and I walked out of that movie feeling frustrated and angry. It was sooo depressing but I guess it was meant to be. Basically Keira Knightly is the Duchess and it’s about her being young and naïve and marrying the duke because he chose her, and she had no idea it wasn’t going to be about love. The first love scene wasn’t even a love scene. He stood her there and took all her clothes off then told her to get on the bed and just fucked her. It was horrible. It was all about making babies. Anyway the whole movie really showed how badly women didn’t have rights back then. I felt horrified but deep down I knew that was how it was then.

We went to town on the Saturday night and had dinner at Emma’s fav restaurant which really was awesome! The meals were too damn big so I had to take my left overs home. We then went to ‘Finnegan’s’ an Irish pub and had a few drinks before heading up to the club ‘Halo’ which was upstairs and opened at 11pm. I got a bit drunk and danced away, but Emma and David left because Emma had to get up early to run a market stall. So I stayed on with Emma’s friend Emma who lives with her (yeah I know two Emma’s was crazy!lol). We danced our butts away until about 1am, then we went home. Some girls were trying to get in outside but Newcastle has a strict curfew due to all the bad glass attacks that keep happening. They now lockdown at 1am so if you’re not inside by then too bad!

We got up early Sunday to head down to the ‘Darby street fair’ and see Emma’s stall plus I wanted to check out the other stalls myself. I found a few good stocking fillers and some cool things I couldn’t buy as I was trying to think about weight. Late afternoon Dave and I went down to the sea where the ‘Endeavour’ was in town. They were allowing anyone to go on and have a look around, with a small fee of course. It was such a cool ship! Looked like a big pirate ship  I took many photos and looked at everything. That night we were all so exhausted from the day and being up late the night before so we had an early dinner down by the beach and went home.

I spent my second week doing more shopping, some more sightseeing and more horse riding on Breeza. Emma had an accident on the Wednesday after TAFE around midday, so that kind of stuffed up some plans for that day. We just got a call saying she needed her licence and that she was in an accident. Then she hung up and Emma 2 and I are just waiting around to find out more. It turned out some lady went through a give way in an intersection and the head butted each other. Emma’s sexy silver Honda Civic taking most of the damage. She was devastated as her car is her precious baby. Lucky Emma was fine, apart from a little back pain.

Oh forgot mention we went Salsa dancing on the Tuesday night. Emma took me to this pub that has a free 30min lesson and then salsa music all night. I was nervous as hell to begin with, then once the music was going a couple of guys asked me to dance and I picked it up even faster. Now I’ve got a thirst for it I want to take it up here! I even asked James and he is keen, so it’s awesome we have something to do together 

I went shopping again on Thursday and Friday, found this awesome bathers store and spent $350 on 3 pairs. I know crazy huh. Well they were seafolly and other expensive swimmer brands. They are so hot though, perfect for my little boobs to. It sucks wearing bathers when you have small boobs, as they make them look even smaller. This shop had all kinds, so they had bathers for my size. Yay!

I spent my last day freaking out that I had bought too much stuff and wouldn’t be able to get it all home. I was flying jetstar from Newcastle to Brisbane so I had to be 20kg or they would charge me. I was flying Qantas from Brisbane to Darwin so I knew I would be fine once I made it past Newcastle airport.

I had to get up at 3.30am to be ready to leave by 4.30am as it took half an hr to get to the airport and my plane left at 6am. we were up late Saturday night as the girls wanted to take me on the ferry and then we drove out to a lookout and sat in the car talking for an hr or so. It was about 12.30am when I got to sleep, so 3hrs sleep was hell. Especially when I’d been deliberately waking myself up early the last few days to maximise my stay.

I had to buy a carry on bag so I could spread some of my weight from my suitcase. I was a few kilos over and I was panicking. My carry on was 11kg but lucky they didn’t weigh that at the aiport, I managed to escape through with my suitcase weighing in at 22.5kg. she sternly said it was a 20kg limit and that I should be paying $20, then handed my ticket and I was on my way. I felt soooo relieved!!!

Juggling everything in the airport at Brisbane was soooo hard. I had my massive suitcase, my carry on with wheels, my massive handbag jammed with loads of heavy stuff and two boxes filled with two dozen krispy kremes. Ppl were looking at me from every angle. Once I checked my suitcase in at Brisbane I was at least free of that, but I still had all the other shit! I tried to go to the toilet and had the most stressful time. My carry on wouldn’t stand still when I put it down and fell backwards into this lady as I’m turning around in the cubicle and get my handbag stuck in the toilet rolls holder. I couldn’t’ free myself as I had krispy kremes in the other hand! Haha. I apologised to the lady and she’s like ‘Don’t’ worry darling, I’m normally the one trying to juggle so I understand!”. I felt like an idiot haha.

As I’m going through the bag check’s the security guard on the entrance side goes ‘ahhh you bought breakfast!’ as I put the two boxes on the machine, then on the other side the other guard goes ‘Ahhh you bought breakfast!’. Ppl on the plane kept saying stuff as I walked past with them and even the stewards wouldn’t leave me alone! Once I was seated I thought this plane ride will be just what I need, I can sleep!!..... wrong! Turns out I’m on the aisle on the right side of the plane and there are all these Darwin yobos in the middle section drinking beer and yelling the whole way home. I didn’t get a wink of sleep.

It was James’s birthday that day so I went to see him for the afternoon and we cooked spaghetti for dinner. I slept soundly that night for sure!

Well I don’t have time to update my birthday so I’ll do that tomorrow….
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