too many places to see and not enough time or money...

Sep 19, 2008 14:46

My moving to Newcastle might be postponed again... LOL. I know, I'm hopeless right?

There is a reason, and a mighty fucking good reason at that. I have been dreaming of travel for the last few years. I've mentioned some here and some I haven't, but there is so much I want to see and do. South America was always on my wish list but now it has moved right up to the very top! I spent most of my morning today searching the web and looking at South American tours and things to do, especially cruises! I really really REALLY want to go there and experience everything South America has to offer. I want to go to Brazil and Galapagos islands, maybe mexico, chile, santiago... fuck I want to go everywhere in south america!

The reason I have been stuck in Darwin doing nothing the past 3yrs is because I have had no one to go with me and experience the world. I am not one of those crazy independents who can just up and go all my themselves. I need at least one person to go with me to experience it with.

James has been basically unemployed for most of our relationship, therefore not being able to go down south let alone accross the world. None of my friends have been in the financial position to, or even sound like they'd want to. Sarah is probably the only one as she has been to Rome and sydney this year and last year she went on a few trips. She can afford it but she only travels with her AJ boyfriend.

So I've been stuck in my hole dreaming of all the places I want to see and not being able to do squat. I've been saving and saving hoping that one day I can. Hoping that one day... SOMEONE will want to travel with me.

James has been working again the past two weeks which is fucking awesome. I have bought up South America because I know he really wants to go there, he's the one who put the idea in my head a few years ago when we met. So basially the plan is to work our arses off and jet off for a few months next year. I'm thinking lik 3 to 4 months of travelling. I won't take any leave and I'll try and save it all up to take those months off, or I'll just quit and go, and receive all my leave in a payout. Then I can come back and move to Newcastle and find a new job.

I'm just so sick of life of sitting in darwin of this fucking job of everything! I need to get out there and experience life the way I have always dreamed.

the love for travelling is in my genes, as the reason I have been to so many countries already is because of my wonderful mother. My sister Sandra jets off every couple of years: she went to Texas in 2003 and worked in a camp for 8months, this year she is in Canada working at different cities as she moves around.

So... come 2009 will I be moving to Newcastle or going to South America?

I guess I'll have to see if James is for real this time. He doesn't have to stay at his job, just long enough to save enough for our trip, then we can both quit and leave.

James is AMAZINGLY good with money. I know that sounds hilarious for someone who hasn't had money for most of our relationship. It is true though, just because he struggles with interaction and ppl and shitty jobs doesn't mean he's shit with money. He's shit with staying at a shitty job. When he has a shitty job though he saves hardcore!! He's better at saving then me. I have all my girly weaknesses but James manages to hold off and put it all into savings.

I am crossing my fingers and praying that we go to South America next year. Here's hoping!
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