Jul 31, 2012 20:57
I can't really talk about yesterday...not what happened, or how. Not what we did in order to prevent it. I don't really know if i can accurately express all that I felt yesterday, or all that I still feel about it today. All I know is that I never want to do that again. Ever.
My friends irritate me. It's bothering me right now to see people's beach pictures, and status's. It must be nice... to have such a lack of responsibility. Financially. I'm absolutely jealous. I need every single hour of work that I can, because I have too many bills to pay. I can't afford to go on vacation. I'm not really sure how Josh is affording to go, but it doesn't much matter to me. It's not like he owes anyone money or anything. But yes, please go on vacation. And by all means, please stop telling me things so that I can hear you won't be home all week from my Mom. Or running anything by me. Like when you're going to have people over til all hours of the night (Again.)
I've already done the hardest part. I've stopped hanging for a lot of things. The only real way I go now is if I know certain people will be there--ie: Annie, Jenny or Lauren. I'm looking forward to the dash next week, and I'm hoping it just stays the 3 of us. I'm not sure if Corinne will really show or not. But it should be a good time. I just hope people don't start to hop on board.
Things with Andy feel weird. Naturally, I expect them to. I feel both extremely closer and beyond far away from him at the same time. I'm hoping it'll just work its way out. TJ is fine at work, except the gossip train now not only knows about Kaitlin, but suspects Liz has a thing for him too. Sucks for me. I'm not ready for it to come out, but TJ seems chomping at the bit. we'll see.
Also, this is random. But do the lady gymnasts look older these days? It might be tans, or more makeup or something, but I just youtubed a bunch of 1996 gymnasts and seriously, they look like babies compared to these girls, and they're the same age. wtf?