Jun 29, 2012 01:31
So I finally stayed after rehearsal tonight, though I kinda dreaded it. It wasn't epic, and it really wasn't that bad. Though, now that I think about it, I didn't really hang with anyone in my group. Once in a while, Corinne, Annie and Jeff came around but for the most part, I spent my time with Andy Shaul. pfft. I had a good time enough though. When Mike came back is when I decided it was my time to leave. I showed up, I stayed for a couple hours. That should be good enough. Although my phone provided me with weird, but also interesting entertainment.
Paul has texted me kinda here and there for about a couple weeks now. Not every day. Not even every other day. But here and there, he'll text me. Tonight we had a drunken chat, and we actually brought up the summer of 2010. oy... I'm not sure what to think about it. He wants to hang sometime, but he always wants to hang sometime and we never do.
Andy texted me, which I did not expect. But it made me feel nice to hear from him and know that he missed me. I like that part of him. Though, last night was strange. At the risk of sounding like a horrible bitch, I almost wonder if I liked him more when he was without liscence. He's back to smoking all the time again, and the lesson he learned from his DUI wasn't to not smoke while driving, but to "not be a scared little bitch when I got pulled over". wow. yuck. He's so into his friends now, which is fine. But he seems a lot different to me. So much less involved with me. I don't know what I'm doing, or what I want.
TJ told me that he's been telling people about me, and that his friends have said that he talks about me "differently" than most girls. I told him that was a dangerous thing to tell me, that I didn't need to start feeling different, because that's how people get hurt by reality checks. He then served me one, by telling reminding me that neither of us should have expectations. Blah. he's right.
Then when I got home, Joe Brainard decided to message me on facebook. He asked how my love life was. Of course, he's still too busy for anything in his life. But whatever, I'm glad he still takes the time to send me any kind of contact. I miss him in my life.
boys boys boys.