Oct 22, 2009 22:33
I'm probably overdue once more for one of those non-blipvert updates. You know, the ones that give in depth information? The ones that don't just tell you what underwear I'm currently rocking, or what my high score in Bejeweled is, or which Firefly character I am? To this last point, while I've never taken the quiz I can tell you without hesitation that I am Inara.
"Soft and sensual, you're a whore, though you sure don't like being called one."
I was reminded by Ms. Joyce that we are fast approaching NaNoWriMo, which sounds like some kind of demonic ritual, but in actuality is National Write a Novel Month. It's an activity I had fully intended to participate in this year, having a few thoughts on the subject rolling around in my brain, and even a couple of document starts sitting on the local drive waiting to explode beyond the patheticly single digit page count at which they currently sit. I was then further reminded by Ms. Joyce that this is in fact her year, last year being our friend Trevor's, and the year before being our friend Mario's. This information lifted a weight off my chest given how especially insane life has been of late. Adding one more thing to the list of must do items would surely lead me to drinking. Oh shit, I already do that. Well...certainly more drinking!
I was going to say some more stuff about things, but it occurred to me that a mere hour and a half from now will be year five since I married Jasmine of the Fears clan. I've made a lot of choices in my life; some very good, some arguably very bad. This one was the best of the best.
I'll leave it at that.