Mar 04, 2013 10:32
I'm now officially down to the last 10 lbs before I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Not doing anything spectacular, either: just being careful about how much I eat, and taking Rijntje out every day. But I think I should be able to fit into my sports bra again, which will make running a lot more feasible than it used to be (TMI: plus engorgement is no longer as big an issue as it used to be).
Even though I'm pretty much almost back into my clothes again, I gotta confess: the maternity clothes are REALLY comfy and I just don't want to give them up yet. I have one lovely figure-skimming dress that I really love wearing, and the jeans are so comfortable I can sleep in them. I thought that once I lost all the baby weight, I'd put them away and never have anything more to do with them, but, well, they're just too nice!