Apr 29, 2007 16:57
So, I finally got a chance to watch Survivor. Yeah, still pissed a/b who got voted off, but that person kinda deserved it after their behavior earlier in the episode. But still. And the previews cracked me up: "Boo annoys everyone." Hahahahha, you don't have to tell me that twice. :p
And how random: Earlier, all I really wanted to do was make a pizza & watch football. Unfortunately, I didn't have any actual pizza & it's not football season. BUT I did have pepperoni pizza Hot Pocket Subs, and I totally had forgotten that the NFL Draft was this weekend! So I watched a bit of the draft, mainly to see who the Packers had picked (and thank you LORD, they drafted some wide receivers - God knows they need them badly). Yeah, that's just the football fangirl in me coming out. :D
Steph & I looked at another apartment today and omg, we both are totally in love w/ this one. The rent is more than we're paying here (only by $5), but it does include laundry & we basically only have to pay electric & cable/internet. They take care of water/sewer & the upstairs ppl pay the garbage (I want to think we might have to pay something else, but I can't remember). The living room in the downstairs apartment was GORGEOUS. I so loved it. It was small, but we don't need something really big. I'm guessing we're gonna go for this place or the one on Broadway. This one's a little out of the way, though (on the 9th block of 5th Avenue, for anyone who knows EC). But the bus still runs right by there, so I'm ok.
I don't really feel like doing anything today. It's very strange. I think part of it is that I was feeling a bit off from being outside earlier. Oh! On our way back from the house showing, we totally randomly found a garage sale. :D I bought some jewelry - 3 necklaces & like 5 or 6 pairs of earrings. Cool stuff. And it only cost me $2.50. Can't beat that.
I kinda want to take a nap, but then I won't be able to fall asleep later. :/ Eh, I'll just be lazy for awhile. I have no qualms about that. I'm gonna be working hard enough tomorrow. Time to go find random things to do on the internet.
survivor: fiji,
apartment hunt,