it has gone and gone to dogs, lay down on the floor

Mar 03, 2007 21:13

Seriously, what I get for making rambling posts right before I go to bed: I completely had a dream last night about both NCIS & Mike Doughty. Totally in the same dream. And my brother was in it, too. Just weird. I'm going to see what I can remember.

So, there were 3 distinct parts of the dream - the NCIS bit, the Mike Doughty bit, & the bit w/ my brother. I don't remember which part came where, so I'll just try to describe it as I remember things.

Okay, so the NCIS part. I was on the show (I know, cool, right?) & I was upset b/c my character was a major character, like a regular character & all, but while everyone else had a specific thing that made the character who they were (like McGee being a computer geek or Abby being a Goth, that kinda thing), my character didn't have anything like that, so no one really knew who I was. I remember being pissed, saying something like, "Even JIMMY has a specific thing, and my character's bigger than him!" I was pissed, lol. Because there was some sort of awards thing, & this is sorta where all 3 parts of the dream came together, & we were in the middle of this river somewhere, & the guys were hanging around, sitting on various parts of this bridge structure, while I was sitting with Cote & Lauren & Pauley on a mattress in the middle of the river. (Don't ask.) They started handing out the awards or whatever, & didn't have one for me! So of course I was ticked & I was yelling & crying & it was ridiculous.

The Mike Doughty part. Okay. Seriously. I was watching some sort of music videos & this music video supposedly for a Mike Doughty song came on, & while it was Mike Doughty singing, it was a song I had never heard in my life & the video was just weird. He was running & the scene kept changing & there were waterfalls made of various things, like first it was water & then it turned to mud & then there were just huge clumps of like grass or moss or something. & how that came together with the NCIS bit was that he was getting some sort of award for this video & he was at this same awards ceremony with us. I don't know. & I suppose that was the only part of the dream Brian was in, too. After I got pissed, I wanted to leave, & I went to go get the car, which was parked on top of some building somewhere. (I don't know, I just don't.) And then we were trying to decide which mall was closer - Oakwood or London Square, b/c we were in Eau Claire or something. And London Square Mall hasn't existed for like 10 years or something. I don't know. It was weird.

Well, that was fun. I should get back to writing. I started another poem, might possibly be done with that, & I wrote a bit more (though not a lot) in the next chapter of Nothing's As It Seems. *sigh* But I should be inspired b/c I've gotten TONS of feedback on my McGiva fic, & yay, you guys liked it. :) I'm telling you, though, I wouldn't rec it if I thought it sucked. I just had so much fun writing it. Gah. I'll stop talking about it. I'll get over it eventually. Hee. But yes, I had to come back here & check stuff out b/c otherwise my f-list gets mad @ me & posts insane amounts which I have to wade through for hours. Oy. But now, Soul Coughing & writing. Yay.

ziva/mcgee, ncis, mike doughty, weird dream, real life, soul coughing, writing

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