It's 3 AM, & while I should be considering going to bed, I'm not. :) I'm too awake for that. Brr, cold, too.
There, now I'm sweatshirted. (Don't you love how I make verbs out of everything? I seriously do that so much.)
At any rate, I was listening to music before (as always), * "Woman Like A Man" by Damien Rice came on & I was just like, omg, I love this song. It had been awhile since I had heard it last, & it was definitely one of those moments where it was like, I forgot this song existed, but now that it's on, yeah, I love it. Do you ever have those moments, f-list? (Yes, this is my way of getting you involved. :p) *le sigh* I do love some singer-songwriters, I do.
Though I also love some random hip hop at times, too. Like now? Snoop Dogg, "Drop It Like It's Hot," totally playing on my Hell yes. You gotta just listen to this stuff once in awhile, so you don't get too artistically crazy. Or at least I do. :p But I suppose that's what ONTD & The Soup are for - keeping me from getting too drenched in my writerly ways. Not that that's a bad thing, by any means.
And you know what I realized while writing fic earlier? My Ziva/McGee muse really likes The Smiths/Morrissey. Isn't that strange? I had quite a bit of Smiths playing while I was working on the fic, & the muse was purring & rubbing against my legs. She liked it. (I realize any non-writers on my f-list have their eyebrows raised halfway to the moon right now, but I promise you I'm not insane.) Really, though, Smiths & NCIS is not a combination I had thought about before. Though it's possible that whatever I would have been playing (b/c I was playing more than just Smiths) would have produced fic, b/c I think I just had the idea & it was flowing. Which was nice.
EEEE! Mike Doughty just came on!! "27 Jennifers," lyrics of which will be appearing on my Ziva layout, if
sportsnightnut ever finishes it...(I totally forgot to remind you a/b it on Sunday, Hayley. Whoops.) But yes, got the Mike tag station on now. Of course. I want my charts to be updated so I can figure out how many times I've listened to him this week. If I keep this up, he might take over Sarah McLachlan for the #2 spot on my overall artists again. (Yes, I'm a complete dork & think thoroughly about these things. My music charts are important to me.) "American Car" is on at the moment, & yeah, good stuff, but nothing of Mike's will top Skittish. I'm convinced of it. I just...that album. Seriously. "The Pink Life," "No Peace, Los Angeles," "Language Barrier," & "Rising Sign" specifically just get me going. Guh. And now "Unsingable Name" is on again, & I think I've listened to this song like 20 times this week. It's insane.
Hmmm. Writing. I was totally doing it earlier & I was all gung-ho a/b it, & then my roommate came home & made a loud noise in the kitchen, so I had to go investigate & see what was up & ended up talking to her for like an hour & when I came back, I didn't feel like doing anything anymore. So that sucked. But hey. At least I got 2 poems written & finished that fic. That's more than I usually get done, actually, haha. But it's weird - when my alerts on FP/ aren't working, I don't feel like reading or writing anything. I think it's b/c I have to go to the freaking website to see if I have any reviews, & that's obnoxious. But whatev.
I really hope I get some feedback for this fic, though. I really love it, & I have a feeling I'll get the same amount of feedback I did for some of my other oneshots I loved (like "Silence" & "Do What You Have To Do" - haha, both of which are totally Sarah McLachlan song titles; the 2nd was intentionally named after the Sarah song, the 1st I just thought of now). Which was not a lot. I think it's b/c I don't write Tiva or McAbby. I'm sorry, but the nontrad ships on NCIS just do a lot more for me. There's more tension & interest there, you know?
Tabby is NCIS baby. I see a lot more there than just the stupid UST you get w/ every canon ship on tv (come on, as much as I love UST, if that's all there is w/ a ship, there's not gonna be much of a relationship there) - they're friends, really close friends, I'd even hazard a guess to say best friends, but DPB seems to forget that they're friends. (Oh, somewhat OT, but not really - I totally read a fic where Tony was thinking a/b his relationship w/ Jeanne & how he wanted to talk to Abby a/b it, & then @ the end, Ziva came & talked to him instead, & someone reviewed & was like, "I'm glad Ziva came to talk to him. She's a better choice than Abby." I was like :O Seriously, not cool. I ♥ Ziva, this you all know, but really, Abby & Tony are my babies & yeah...)
Ahem, back on topic. When I wrote that Ziva/McGee fic, I realized that both of them are kinda in this position where relationships are probably not their strong suit, so they're both kinda pussyfooting around the idea. Actually, all 4 of those characters (Tony, Abby, Ziva, & McGee) are kinda not so great at long-term relationships, or so it seems. Maybe that's why they're all my NCIS OT4. Heh. Shit, I still gotta write that, too. Boo. That will happen in awhile. Not now.
Wow, I got rambling on NCIS. That happens. For anyone new to my journal, yes, very much so with the NCIS rambling. Especially when you involve my OT4 in any form. :D
OMG, it was 3:02 when I started this & it's 3:39 now. Heh. Of course, I've been switching music & whatnot throughout, but that doesn't take that long. I just like ot type. Typing is very therapeutic. I don't think I spelled that right. And not like I really have anything I need to be resolving by typing. It's just almost 4 in the morning. So I'm typing. B/c I don't want to go to bed. I should, though. I'm bored b/c no one is awake to read fic. :*(
I'm going to finish listening to this song (Space Dog FTW), & see a/b going to bed. Haha, or not. Finished b4 I could finish typing my tags. :p But this song just gets to me, too. And it's only been recently that I've REALLY liked it.