Okay, so PEOPLE, if you are just stumbling here for the first time since NCIS aired, yes, I made that post already. Go read it.
If not here for NCIS, then don't bother. Obviously. :p
I have episodal squeals for "Release" and "Sunshine Days" under the cut. Ah, yes, the joys of season 9 X-Files.
- Boo @ myself for missing the 1st part of the episode.
- STFU Brad. Every time he talks, I just cannot stand it.
- The look on John's face when Brad tells him a/b Cadet Hayes. :*(
- Mark Snow, you make me cry so bad. This music just makes me cry.
+ I am sorry, it's meant to be a serious scene, but the look Brad gives Regali after he asks if he was involved is too fucking hilarious.
+ I love that John is looking at other sides, considering that Hayes might be telling the truth.
+ Monica getting upset that they're nowhere again - she cares so much.
- This scene with John & Regali KILLS ME. Can you imagine coming face to face w/ the man who killed your son?
+ The release. Also kills me.
+ THE HUG! Oh, God, I'm still crying. That hug needs to be an entire episode.
(I make entirely too much fun of Brad, but he just CANNOT be taken seriously. I mean, come on.)
"Sunshine Days"
- Seriously, STUPID PLOT.
+ John's so freaking cute describing how the accident could have happened. I love: Monica: "And how would he end up in a helicopter? Supposedly he was busy breaking into someone's home at the time." John: "Details."
+ Monica's a fangirl! Yay! Doesn't really surprise me, though.
+ Bud Bundy (LMAO, I can't resist): "This guy's stonewalling. Kick the door in!" John: "Shut up." Yes, classic.
+ The entire scene where John figures out what's going on. JUST HILARIOUS. And not to mention, Monica gets a good look at John's booty when he stands on the garbage can. (Those pants do nothing for his butt, PS.) Monica: "Much in the fashion of Daffy Duck or Wile E. Coyote, the deceased shot straight up through the roof and landed on his buddy's car. You're serious?" John: "A to B to C. I gotta tell you, I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this job." LOVE IT!
- GOD, why do they have that scene where it looks like Bud Bundy is peeing??
+ John: "Judge, I wanna toss the house of a man who makes people magically zoom into the sky. Has something to do with electricity and poltergeists and whatnot. Yeah, that'll fly." Heh. So John.
+ John being the one to believe the doctor a/b what he was saying. ♥♥♥
+ Hee, Monica starting w/ the "Aha"s. And "connecting A to B to C." Awesome.
+ Scully correcting Monica on the pest/jinx thing.
+ Nice lock picking kit, John.
- Oh, noes! Oliver tossed John thru the ceiling!
+ I ♥ John's "Oh, crap," when he realizes where he is.
+ I ♥ how Dr. Reeds just ignores John. And John's, "Come back here, man!" is just classic.
+ Sad, Monica's more interested in the house than John. But it's funy, so it gets a plus. :p
(OMG, I just got the strangest urge to write a Doggett/Reyes/Scully 3-some when they were all sitting on that table.)
- Scully: "We owe it to the world." ? Really, Scully, that was cheesy.
+ The scene in Skinner's office! (Really, it's just that I have an icon of Monica from that scene w/ a thought bubble w/ a whale in it. It's awesome.)
- NO! Her name is not Arlene! That's the actress' name! Mitch Pileggi's wife! Geez.
+ I ♥ that John figured out why Oliver's powers were fading.
- Seriously, I wouldn't want to eat green Jell-O, either. No thanks.
+ The scene w/ Oliver/Anthony & Dr. Reeds is amazing. I am crying.
+ THE END SCENE! Seriously, major fangirl squeal. So freaking cute.
And who else thinks John & Monica totally slept together between "Release" & "Sunshine Days"????? Discuss.
Ooh, I also feel like giving y'all a JA picture. If I still have it, that is. Roars. It won't let me upload it. I will mess around with it and get it to upload, though. You just watch.
Okay, seriously, FUCK YOU LJ. OMG. I just want to upload one fucking picture and you won't let me. I will punch you if I have to, I will. ROAR.
Well, I will find it somewhere online then.
FUCK, I can't find it. Roar. It was an amazingly awesome picture, too. And stupid LJ hates me and won't let me upload it. *hiss*