The Peak

Apr 09, 2010 22:16

What does it take to bring you to orgasm? What does it take to take you to the very edge, hang you there and then just when you think you can't take it anymore, push you of into the mind blowing ecstasy that seems like it will last forever. You have to tell me you know. I'm not a mind reader. I can't just simply use the tried and true from the books and magazines that the educated man is supposed to read. You are unique. A special form of my own personal torture. I am begging you to let me know how to please you. What touch? What words? What whispers of sweet nothings? What spot where lips meet flesh will put you into your own personal heaven and hell, simultaneously? At what point does the brush of my finger go from a casual and gentle touch, to a tantalizing, provoking, teasing tickle of pleasure? What must I do to get you to fall into my arms? Your warmth comforts me when you allow me to take you into me. Your scent transports me to another place and time. A place where the world is right, no matter what is wrong. I forget myself when I'm with you. All I can think about is making you happy. And yet, you refuse to tell me what I must do to make that happen.
Speak to me, teacher. Teach me the ways of the wise.
Speak to me, oh muse. Inspire me to greater heights.
Speak to me, great one. Empower me to accomplish all that you seek for me to accomplish.
Speak to me, friend. It is you that I rely on, that I run to and that I dream of nightly.
Speak to me. Talk to me. Whisper to me. Allow me to dream sweet and wondrous dreams. SING to me. And above all, tell me the secrets of your pleasure. The orgasm in life. Of mind, body, soul and spirit.

Do I ask too much? Do I seek the answers to all of life's questions? Am I yearning after the knowledge that all men desire?

Yes. Yes I am. And yet these are not unattainable goals. Only questions that you and only you can answer.

What am I to you? Am I a toy? A plaything? A warmth to replace the forfeited fire that used to burn but has been doused?

What must I do to change the way life has been for you?

The questions we have all been taught to ask. The who, what, when, where, why and how of life? You have these answers, whether you know it or not, and once you give them to me, then I will do everything in my POWER to make your wildest dreams come true.

It is the reason I live, it is why I breathe. It is the inspiration I look for through the jaded lens of my shuttered camera. It is the filter through which I view life looking for the images that will somehow force those around us to take note and pay attention to our fellow man (and woman).

This is what we are missing, This is what we're all looking for.

The orgasm of the body, mind, soul, and spirit.
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