Texas - Day 5

Apr 04, 2010 12:12

So, I'm back in Texas. I'm still freaked out, I'm still a little nuerotic, but all in all it's still not bad. Today is the first day that I haven't run all over the place, and I'm kind of looking forward to the calm. Of course with the calm comes laundry, unpacking and loud music. You know, the usual.

Landed at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport at around 9:30am on Wednesday. My sister, brother, mother AND grandmother were all there to pick me up.
Being that food is VERY important to me, my family, and pretty much anyone that knows anything about anything, the very first thing we did is head straight to Sonic. Sonic Burger with mustard, tater tots and a vanilla chocolate Dr. Pepper. Don't judge me, it's an awesome drink. I know none of that sounds relevant to relevant to relocation, but look at it from my point of view. The last thing I had before leaving Hawaii was pancakes from KOA Pancake House in Wahiawa because I will never get pancakes that good ever again in my life and there is no KOA anywhere but Hawaii. So the first stop on the list is Sonic, because I have been craving Sonic for YEARS!!! It's just not fair that there is no Sonic in Hawaii, and yet we still got the commercials for them! It's like Olive Garden, but at least there was an Olive Garden on one of the other islands. NO SONIC!

Headed back to Memaw's house, bummed around, messed with my little brother and my sister, hung out with Wendy (my cousin, who is totally Awesome), showed off pictures from Iraq and Hawaii, napped. Missed a dinner with Amanda (my other cousin, who is totally awesome) that was planned, but they were cool about it. I guess they figure that since I live in Texas now it won't be two years before I show up again, so it's cool.

Crashed out relatively early, got up early, had a traditional Dallas breakfast with Memaw and everyone, and headed up on the roof with Cordell (my brother) to do our grandson duties. Technically we're there to "work" cleaning off the roof, trimming hedges, etc.. But seriously, a 14 yr old and a 28 yr old on a house roof with power tools? That's not work.

Went to see my Uncle in the Hospital. He was there for reported clogging of arteries. We were there for a few hours, you would've thought it was a family reunion, not a hospital visit. Everyone just laughing and joking and having a good time. Four hours of visiting for what was supposed to be a 2 hour surgery. Turns out they were done half an hour later because the was ABSOLUTELY no blockage. My Aunt swears it's an answer to prayers, the docs swear it means he moved during the scans. My uncle swears that it's irrelevant and all that means is he can order a triple cheeseburger from Whataburger since he CAN in fact eat it without fear of killing himself. Being the smart man he is, he started with a sirloin burger from the hospital instead.

Left from the hospital with Wendy to go back to her place so we could go to a show that night. Brandon Rhyder is an excellent country singer. It was a good show. Learned that I could easily become addicted to Taco Bueno (food so horrible that it's amazing). It's like Taco Bell but better. However, that being said, no place called "The Glass Cactus" can call itself a country western bar. Ridiculously nice place, valet parking, great bar, nice staff, etc., but WAY too high class for me. I mean, honestly, Restroom Attendants? In a bar? Way too snooty for me. Still, great show, good company, and a few Jack and Cokes that were tasty. Going out with Wendy is always a good time. And she even apologized for not having any single friends along this time, lol. What a cousin.

Crashed at Wendy's, met up at Memaw's friday morning, packed up and headed out with Amy (my ridiculously cool sister), and headed down to Temple. She even let me drive. She's so sweet. Did accidentally leave my camera in her truck (and now everyone that knows me freaks out, but give me a break I was tired), but it's no big deal because I can't see well enough to focus my camera until I get new glasses. She's bringing it back to me on Monday or Tuesday. Went to Olive Garden with Kristin, which was just as amazing as I remember. (see earlier note about asshole Hawaii commercials for food I couldn't get). Started a Gilmore Girls marathon. No snide comments necessary, it's a funny show.

Got to hang out with my sons and their mom and her husband yesterday in Killeen. It was fantastic. My sons remembered me, which I was totally freaking out about, and Mandy (ex-wife) and I got along just fine, which is a new development on both of out parts. I hope we can keep it up. Dave (ex's husband) and I got along just fine, but we've always seen kind of eye-to-eye and I've never had a problem with him. He's good people. We just sat and talked and played in the park. Good times had by all. I'm really happy to be home. I had to thank Mandy for making me truly feel welcomed home. Stopped by Patti's (mother-in-law, er, former mom-in-law) house on the way out of town. You really have to love that woman. She and Jim seemed really happy to see me. Either that or she was trying to kill me. She hugged me so hard I had to stop me because I couldn't breathe. I love Patti, always will. The coolest mom-in-law ever, and you should see her with my boys. She loves everyone so much it's almost crazy.

And now it's today... Not running around, not trying to kill myself to do a bunch of stuff. Just hacking around on the net, unpacking slowly, and doing laundry.

Made contact with Whit. I'm really excited to see her, I can't even remember when she came to Hawaii and we met, but it seems like forever ago and she was amazing and fun to hang out with. Bringing my camera down to Austin so we can go act a fool and she can teach me two step. Eventually. I don't think she quite realizes what kind of work she's got herself cut out for teaching me to dance, but I'm sure she's up to it.

So, I'm home, and happy to be here. All I need to do now is get a vehicle (my motorcycle would be SO nice), and a job before I have so much free time on my hands that I begin with thoughts of loneliness and I'll be good.

More later. Probably less details, but you know. Excitement prevails!
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