|| To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent ||

Jan 20, 2019 16:57

... know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist. - Barack Obama - Inaugural speech - January 20, 2009

10 years ago today I was at Barack Obama's first inauguration. Although it really wasn't that long ago, there was a really magical, hopeful feeling for many across the county. I honestly don't think we'll ever see the likes of it again - it was so special. I was so glad to be there in person, to see change ushered in. And Obama did bring change, and he was the most accessible president we've ever had.

As to the quote, I don't want to extend Donald Trump a hand, even though I approve of Obama's sentiments on a general level. There is nothing Trump can do that would garner my forgiveness; the things he does are just too egregious. The way he treats women - grabbing them by their "pussies"? He's such a disgusting pig. The wall is terrible - absolutely awful. It's a show of bigotry and racism. Colorado is only one state away from Mexico, and we have a fairly good sized population of Mexicans. I have never heard of anyone here (although I'm sure there are some in Colorado who want the wall; we're generally a progressive state) chomping at the bit to get rid of Mexicans. As some of you may remember, I lived in a predominantly Mexican neighborhood for just around ten years and I loved living there. It was a vibrant place to be. I miss our old Victorian house so much - it had so much character ... but I digress! It seems like a lot of people who want the wall don't actually live near where the wall would be built, although that may just be my anecdotal interpretation of news reports and articles I've actually consumed.

I'm glad I got to take part in an important chapter in the US's history, though. I have kept this picture on my desk since Obama took office. It's a picture of his first day as president. It's still on my desk and I have no plans to put it away.

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