Mar 05, 2012 10:22


01. Only I would manage to find a series of gay merman Christmas ornaments. Meet December Diamonds Tattoo Shirtless Hot Merman Drinking Beer with Beard and Mustache Ornament!

The description continues: Tattoo has Short Black Hair,Detailed Chest & Arm Tattoo, Silver Glittered Tail with Black Tattoo, Rhinestone Belt,Biceps & Wrist "Leather" Rhinestone Bands & Sexy Hard Muscular Body.... 6 pack Abs,,Huge Pecs & Biceps.....7 inches long-Tattoo is a Handpainted & Gift Boxed Limited Edition. Lots of Super Hot Bling!!!!!Tattoo is a Hot Man who wants You!!!

There's also Candy Cane Merman, Hot Shirtless Jack O'Leary, Dr. Turnencoff Merman, Salty the Shirtless Sailor, Indian Chief Merman, Hot Boy Bottom Bo Merman (I'm sorry, but that had to be emphasized, and, no, I am not making this shit up, LOL!), Hoodie Merman (because nothing screams out "MERMAN!" like a hoodie . . .), Hairy Chest Victor, Officer Ripped Merman, Hot Gay Trick in Tight Halloween Costume Masked, Butch Leather Merman, Mussel Merman Magnet, Angel of the Sea, Military Man Hottie, Italian Stylish Stud Merman, Beignet Sexy Hot Merman/Mermaid, Clam Bake Beach Guy Merman, and Stud the Cowboy Merman, to name a few!

This is, actually, the most awesome thing ever! A company that caters to the gay community for Christmas ornaments? Now that's fabulous! I seriously mean this. Not only do they represent gay pride, but they also have ornaments of people of color, and also people of size. Let's support December Diamonds! They have a ton of great ornaments.

02. I'd like a set of Matryoshka dolls (you know, the Russian dolls that stack inside one another -- there's about 7-10 dolls total). They''re really beautiful:

Anyhow, I'm looking at all these different Matryoshka dolls -- I was actually looking for a blank set that one can decorate themself -- and what do I find within the choices of dolls? Inexplicably, Tracheostomy Clean & Care Trays Case Pack 20 - NEW . . . Now, this is deeply WTF-ish on two levels. One, why would tracheostomy kits be found along with Matryoshka dolls? Two, they have to emphasize NEW? Also, may I mention the trach trays are listed under the "beauty" category. Excuse me while I *vom* and *vom* and *vom* for the rest of my life.


On a related note I found Stormtrooper Matryoshkas:

03. longtimegone suggested that the following might make a good birthday present for me. For the record, should anyone present me with a flock of sock pigeons, prepare for flail-ness and an anxiety attack on my part, LOL! There are no words to describe how viscerally pigeons revolt me >.<

04. Harry Putter and the Chamber of Cheesecakes. I could hang with this, actually.


Today I got my Hogwarts fish tank put together. Ostensibly it's for the kids *whistles innocently*. Here's the aquarium background, which is clearly Hogwarts, and up in the left hand corner is the Dark Mark:

Not the best pics, but here's a couple shots of the new tank (16 gallon, bow front -- I wanted a bigger tank than a 10 gallon, but not another really large tank like my 40 gallon)

It's a little hard to see the background in my tank because of all the tiny bubbles, which is typical in a new tank. They'll settle down. Anyhow, that's why I posted the picture of the background from Amazon, so you could get a good look at it. You can buy matching accessories for the "Magic World" theme. I bought the gargoyle and the book (undoubtedly Hogwarts: A History!), plus the owl in the treee, but the owl is way too big for the size of my tank, so I'll be returning it. Too bad, as it's pretty cute. I skipped the rock formation and the crystal ball. Instead I went with this, with the crystal attachment (you can barely see it on the right side of the picture -- look hard!)


I have an extensive to-read list, having hit Amazon pretty hard over the last few weeks. I go through cycles of book buying. I'll buy nothing for months, and then a slew of books. Anyhow, I'll try and categorize them.


When Someone You Love Is Depressed: How to Help Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself by Laura Epstein Rosen Ph.D. and Xavier Francisco Amador, Ph.D.
What to Do When Someone You Love Is Depressed: A Practical, Compassionate, and Helpful Guide by Mitch Golant Ph.D. and Susan Golant
Let Me Sow Light: Living With a Depressed Spouse by Amy Viets and Bernadette Stankard
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
Providing Employment Support for People with Long-Term Mental Illness: Choices, Resources, and Practical Strategies by Laurie Howton Ford
Touched With Fire by Kay Redfield Jamison
Night Falls Fast by Kay Redfield Jamison
Scattershot: My Bipolar Family by David Lovelace
Out of the Darkened Room: When a Parent Is Depressed: Protecting the Children and Strengthening the Family by William R. Beardslee, M.D.
When Someone You Love Has a Mental Illness: A Handbook For Family, Friends, and Caregivers by Rebecca Woolis, MFT
The Bipolar Workbook: Tools For Controlling Your Mood Swings by Monica Ramirez Basco, Ph.D.


Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing by Mignon Fogarty
The Writer's Guide to Psychology: How to Write Accurately About Psychological Disorders, Clinical Treatment, and Human Behavior by Carolyn Kaufman, Psy.D.
Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook by Donald Maass


Fight Like a Girl . . . and Win: Defense Decisions for Women by Lori Hartman Gervasi
The Gift of Fear: And Other Survival Signals That Protect Us From Violence by Gavin De Becker
What Makes Your Brain Happy and Why You Should Do the Opposite by David DiSalvo
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown, Ph.D., L.M.S.W.


You Are Not So Smart! Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook; Why Your Memory is Mostly Fiction; And 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself by David McRaney
Apartment Therapy: The Eight Step Home Cure by Maxwell Gililingham-Ryan
The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare
The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien


All I have to say is WTF was wrong with me? I was always all, "Oh, I don't care about HDTV" and "BluRay is just a fad". Let me just say I was full of shit and I had no idea what I was talking about, and watching movies and TV on HD is amazing. It's so real. We are loving our TV and BluRay player. BTW, we tested it out on .avi files, and it worked perfectly. Very convenient! 'Nuff said. Except that my BluRay wishlist has exploded in the past ten days -- did y'all know that the entire series of Star Trek: The Next Generation is around $500, and the eight Harry Potter movies on BluRay are running around $369?! Since I already have both Deathly Hallows on BluRay, I think it makes more sense to just buy the other movies individually. I admit I would like to get the LOTR trilogy with the extra scenes on BluRay, too. I did pick up the (2009) Star Trek movie on BluRay, though, and WOW. Just WOW.

Long post is long! My next post should be more interesting for I have a moral dilemma I'd like feedback on.

topic: the fuckery of amazon, topic: amazon

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