"Leaving School" (Pansy, rated G, 100 words)

Jun 18, 2010 10:11

Title: Leaving School
Character: Pansy
Rating: G
Challenge: card
Word count: 100 words
Author's notes: my first slytherin100 drabble. :)

The card looked more like a wedding invitation than a school letter: thick, creamy parchment with embossed flourishes, addressed to Mademoiselle Parkinson.

It was Pansy's ticket to life on the Continent, where wizards were wizards and Muggles were nobody's friend. It was her escape from Hogwarts, where green and silver now meant 'enemy.'

But Hogwarts was also the library where she'd stayed up all night, the common room where she'd talked and laughed, the sunny greenhouse where she'd had her first kiss.

Beauxbatons might be a lot of things, but it wasn't home. Pansy dropped the card in the bin.

prompt: card, char: pansy

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