ends as it begins // begins as it ends (Snape/Lily, PG, 100)

May 22, 2009 00:57

Title: ends as it begins // begins as it ends
Character(s): Severus Snape and Lily Evans
Pairing(s): Snape/Lily.
Rating: PG for character death.
Warning(s): Only if you haven't read DH.
Challenge(s): #82 - Seal
Word count: 100
Author's note: Formatty again, and because I suck at life, I couldn't get it to work properly on lj, so you get screenshot cuts, whatever, its only two, don't hurt me. Took the prompt as being the seven seals mentioned in the bible, if you don't understand, then wikipedia is good. Lines stolen from Frost's Fire and Ice too, in case you were wondering. idk, I like it, if you don't, well, that's okay.

if there's a problem, let me know.

char: severus, char: lily, prompt: seal, author: youstillbelieve

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