Nov 21, 2012 15:18
I have been sick for a week.
I'm pretty sure it's just a cold but it's a NASTY one. Last Monday I was stupidly tired all day. I figured it was just cuz of the Epic Hockey Weekend that I'd had and I'd be fine once I got some sleep.
Tuesday I woke up with a sore throat. And the muscles/glands in my neck were sore (happens a lot when I have a cold). Ugh. Wednesday I was still crazy tired and my throat was worse. Thursday my nose started running and I felt like butt all day. I was achy, tired and still had a sore throat. I had things to DO so I took some medicine and got through the day. But the medicine makes me feel like I'm outside of myself so I hate it.. plus it makes me kinda nauseous so it wasn't pleasant. Plus I hadn't slept well the night before so I was all jacked up.
Friday I felt better becase I actually got some sleep but my nose was still quite runny. The throat was better though so that was good. But by the end of the day I felt awful again and went to bed early with horrid chills. (woke up at 2 am and was sweating buckets) When I woke up for the day I was sweating like crazy again. I took a 2 hour nap that day and basically did nothing all day. Same with Sunday. I went to church and that was about it for the day. The sore throat was finally gone but my nose was running away from me and I felt like crap from the cold medicine I took the night before. (I can't take anything with antihistamines in it, it effs me up the whole next day and it's awful!)
By Monday my nose was still runny and I was STILL tired. And then I started coughing. its not too often, but it's an ugly throat-tearing cough. Gross. yesterday was more of the same. I'm staying up a little later but I'm still So. TIRED. And my nose won't stop running. I'm getting really really tired of it.
I just want to be well! I really think it's just a cold so it's not like I can go to the doctor and have them do anything (and I just paid the $300 bill from my last visit so I don't want to do that again any time soon) so I just have to wait it out. But I want to whine for a minute.
Also, my stupid effing car is having problems AGAIN. Now it's overheating. They think it's the water pump. Another $400 repair. I did some math today and realized I've spent an average of $250/month on repairs in the last 11 months. That's almost a car payment. I think it's time.
But I don't have *time* to look at cars right now. I have things going on every day between now and Monday. UGH UGH UGH. And I don't want a new car but I don't have a lot of options anymore. I really just need to cut the cord. :'(
So that's my whine for the day. There are good things going on too, and I'll talk about them in another post.