oh my. that subject line will not make sense to anyone but me and anyone who watches Sabres games but I am STILL laughing.
I found my new internet addiction! There are a handful of blogs (eww i hate the world blog) written by Sabres fans that I ran across today whilst obsessiong over searching for info on Derek Roy.. didn't practice yesterday, *MIGHT* play on Wednesday?! anyway it's hilariously great fun and now i will have to peruse them with glee over the next few days. These ladies seem to have a clue about hockey (which is very good) and a healthy understanding of the fact that HOCKEY PLAYERS ARE HOT (face it, they are!) but they aren't puckbunnies! Brilliant I say, Brilliant! And there are many of them. I read though a bit of
The Willfull Caboose and I heartily approve so far, and also
Top Shelf has some good stuff. (and she's a Roy fan! yay!)
anyway lots of new reading material for me. wooohooo! Yay Sabres fans.
today I played Mario Bros. 3 for about 5 hours. Not non-stop but it was pretty close. I made it to world 6 then I couldn't hack it anymore. That was pretty good for not having played in some time. :) That game is so simple and stupid but I love it. When I finally pay off my credit card bill (only a few more months, if all goes well), I am going to shell out a couple of bucks for a NES and Base Wars and Solstice, my 2 favorite old school Nintendo games. I found a bunch of new Nintendos on eBay stores, hopefully they'll still be around when it's time..
Speaking of eBay, I bought this photo:
Yay Royzie and Pommer, my 2 favorite Sabres! I had to.. it was too cool. I saw one a couple of weeks back, the classic
faceoff shot(about like that but closer) and I wanted it desperately, don't know why I didn't buy it and haven't seen one like it since.. grr. I'll keep my eyes open.
The best part of the pic I bought was the picture of Roy siging things for this guy.. I mean really, can I just have THAT? Lol
Nice suit my man, niiice. :)
This dude does have a lot of cool autographed stuff though, here's his
Ebay Store if you want to check it out..
and now to sleeeeeeep. G'night!