Oct 29, 2006 01:46
wow it's really windy outside right now. and snowing/raining too. grrrrooooosssss. it's been like this since 6ish, which bites cuz I really wanted to take Christopher to the NU game. We even left the house- it was only raining here at the time, but we got a coupla miles down the road and the rain was HEAVY snow. I decided it was best to stay home this time and go out when the weather was nicer. boo..
so Buffalo lost, in a shootout. sad but true. they came from behind 4 times to tie it up though, that's pretty awsome. Atlanta is GOOD. 'nuff said about that.
yay FALLING back in Daylight Savings time. wheeee extra hour!
um what else? Oh yeah in response to those good souls who suggested I take some community college classes to up my skillz in the desktop publishing dept, think again! I can't AFFORD to take classes- frickin $145+/credit hour.. NO WAY man. One class would set me back $400 at least and I would need a few to get the info that i need. Maybe there is another way... there might be some place around that I could take some computer classes at.. I'll keep looking into it.
meh. I was supposed to announce soccer tomorrow but as I see the game has been moved indoors, I don't think that's going to happen. Apparently this place is way ghetto (but wow it's only half of the distance between here and Niagara!) so they don't have sound.. guess I won't be working then. LOL
okay I'm off to snatch some sleepage... and the lights are flickering, this is NOT good. 'night!
crazy weather,