Aug 29, 2005 00:57
Well on the whole it has not been a good weekend for me. So on to the bad news. In the last 72hours I have had a total of 12 hours sleep. This is mainly due to the fact I picked up a graveyard shift friday night that lasted until 630 saturday. What made that so bad is the fact I had to turn around and head back into work on saturday by 130. Then when I got home saturday night the power went out because of a huge storm passing through and they didnt restore power until 430 in the morning. That cause my apartment to heat up and the air was stifling. Needless to say I didnt get much sleep. So now that leave me to tonight wich I should probably already be in bed but I cant sleep. Oh and to top it all off one of the legs on my bed frame broke so now my bed slants and its on the side I like to sleep on. On other bad news fronts I cant go back to school this sememster. I like an idiot waited till too late to sign up for financial aide and I cant afford to pay for it myself.
So there is the bad news. Now onto the good news or sort of good news. I have most of my financial aide paperwork filled out so I will have the money come spring. My mom was about to give me some bed risers so now one corner s a bit higher than the rest but I can live with that for now. One of the guys at work gave me a suggestion on another way I can fix it and I may try that if the riser fails down the road or I get tired of one corner being higher than the rest. And in a few minutes either the sleeping pill I took will take effect or I will stand by my bed, hit myself repeatedly with a rubber mallet, and hope that when I fall unconcious that I do it on the bed.
You know there is one thing that I have learned from lack of sleep. One my patience is razor thin and I really have to control my temper. Two I am so tired that I cant lie and I am completly candid with people. Three I get tunes stuck in my head that play over and over. Last night it was one of the songs from Phantom of the opera. "The phantom of the opera is here....Inside your mind" Probably isnt even near accurate from the movie but it kept going and going on. Tonight is was We are the champions. And lastly anything will make me laugh. *snicker* that last sentence was funny.
Well Im off to bed. Oh and a word of warning. Dont call me in the morning. I am not responsible for what I do or say if I am woken before I want to wake up.
Also a post note. Before you start putting down comments on how my bedframe broke let me say two things. One the bedframe I am using is older than I am. It has been disassembled and move numerous times since then and has been used through more wear and tear than I could possibly imagine.
So in saying that I have only this seacond thing to say. I do not DO NOT want to see any comments posted on how said bedframe broke. If I do I will be immediatly deleting them and since I get all comments emailed to me directly and I check my email numerous times at home and work it probably wont be seen by anyone else anyway. With that said thank you in advance for your restraint and again good night.