Aww, man. :(

Jul 14, 2008 15:58

Okay, unforseen setback caused by Wimby.
I no longer have any desire to read Fedal fic. :/
I used to like Fedal fic. Well, it wasn't an OTP by far, but it was nice.
And now I don't particularly dislike it but I'm kind of looking at it and usually on tennisslash I'm dying to click the link to almost any fic and I kind of don't really want to. I still like their characters together, probably still like them together in any kind of AU, but-
Even with the fic I know is good, I'm thinking "Roger/Rafa" and waiting for something else.

Yeah, other than my completely random announcement, life is laidback. Which is good. I did really well on all my tests except I still don't know the result to the giant, brain-killing exam from two months ago.
I like life when its laidback. *comfortable sigh*

So I want to write this AU!fic that I have in my head..I actually know where the whole thing is going and think I have most of the little plot adjustments worked out...but I can't seem to actually write the fic. :/ And then there is the issue of dialogue and I'm not sure I can do standard-type dialogue. Bleh. Hopefully I'll be able to start it soon...I feel that once I start writing it won't be as much of an issure.

Tommy R. won a title! Yay! (They went back to clay??? o_0) Of course, he had to beat Ferru in the semis. That's okay. They'll probably share the trophy anyway. Or at least the prize money. Those chocolate flavoured massage creams they both like are pretty expensive...
Yes. That is how detailed and insane my tennisslash!muses are. And damn. Now I have Ferru/Tommy in my head. I was kind of hoping to write the Marat/Juanqui/Ferru fic as well. Never actually wrote smut, before, on the other hand, soo....might not happen. I will try.
Oh, and Igor went to a final. Good Igor.

Re-addicted to HP-fic. Damn but do they have good smut...seemingly EVERYWHERE. And lots of pairings. Including slash pairings. Ohhh, I forgot how much I love the snark as well. And the sarcasm. Mhmm, intellectual, sexually tense banter. XD Don't ask. It was to do with me being a


tennis, random

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