xmas time again

Dec 07, 2009 10:14

I'm loving the cookies! Thank you!!! :)

Also, I'm horribly behind on all things Christmas. No pictures taken. No cards sent. No presents bought. No decorations. I did sign up to bring cookies to Liam's party, but that's about it.

Oh, and I decorated my LJ. That's got to count for something, right?

Things have been kind of crazy lately.

We drove up to Mansfield and stayed with my inlaws for Thanksgiving, in what had to have been the longest car trip of my entire life. Actually, the drive up was fine; even driving right through DC and skirting NY, we didn't have any major delays. But the drive back... oh man! We spent 3 hours in park on the NJ turnpike and then 2 1/2 hours to drive 30 miles on 95 in South Carolina. It was awful. Awful. But, hey, happy holidays.

The trip itself was nice, even if it rained every single day wrecking most of our plans. We made it to Patriots Place, which no amount of weather could have kept my husband away from.

Olivia is now a bursting with energy four year old. Actually, she's bursting with attitude. At four she's more opinionated than I am at thirty-three. Not sure what to think about that.

Liam is doing much better at school. But I'm afraid Abby is a few days away from pulling an all out Jan Brady and inventing a fake boyfriend for some attention.

Mostly I've been kind of down because it's hitting me that Rich is really going to be gone for six to eight months or even longer. He's spending the week in Georgia preparing and I feel like the thought of it is just weighing me down. We're having a hard enough time with the kids and their stages and I don't know how I'm going to do this alone. Heck, I can't even change the lightbulbs alone.

Fortunately, I've been making friends of other military families in the area, which is great. I'm trying to be active in Rich's unit as well, but it's not something that comes naturally to me. It's going to be fine. I just need to keep repeating that.

It's going to be fine.

rl: holiday, rl: family, rl: birthday

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