Sunny Demons

Oct 06, 2005 00:52

I think that the truth is that everyone is different. Everyone. Some are better at certain things than others. Some are are worse than others. But some just ended up without much of anything good at all. But what is “good”? It’s subjective. What’s considered socially “good” due to evolutionary phenomena is actually just all relative. I mean if for some reason we found something as mundane as the elbow, to be a mark of beauty on a woman. Then the best elbows in the world would come out of the woodwork, and they’d dominate our culture.

They’d get their own reality tv shows about how ironic it is that they have great elbows yet also happen to be totally worthless people who do nothing but shit on others because they can. And not daddy or even the people of America are gonna tell them that they need to realize that they’re gonna lose their looks one day and end up with nothing but their disgusting, toxic outlook on life. And then, just then when its too late because she’s crawling around on the floor with her emergency button around her neck, calling for an ambulance….she’s gonna realize just then that if she had been a little bit nicer, she just might have been able to save herself from an eternity of fire cumming demons of which no amount of videotaping will ever get her agent the undeserved promotion from all the new work its bringing in. I mean just because it proves the fact that his client is an immoral motel sex having daddy’s girl which just so happens to closely resemble the “party-going cock tease” image campaign they had decided to go with originally, doesn’t mean that we have to gobble it all up and feed the fire.

It doesn’t really matter anyways cuz the conspiracy is actually with the E entertainment channel who is just paying off all the talent agents to start making stars out of alcoholics and lesbians just so their gossip thriving network can survive and keep shows like “E True Hollywood Stories” on the air. Yea, they basically tell them to hire prostitutes and insecure men who were hated so much as children by their fathers that no amount of muscles, chest waxings, or Kevin smith movies they try to appear in will ever make them a real man.

I dunno though. because I buy into that shit. I mean it’s easy to. And it doesn’t make us dumb if we fall for it because it’s all we know. Plus there are some amazing people developing these tactics and strategies for making us follow it without even knowing it. And it’s wrong I know, but that’s what we do as a human race. We find major challenges that if conquered would provide riches and various rewards that would make the effort well worth it. And then we figure it out. It doesn’t matter if what we’re doing is wrong or immoral because we’ll figure that out too. We’ll figure out a way to justify our actions to ourselves. But we’ll figure that out later. First we gotta get what we want.

And what I find amazing is that not all people are really like that. I meet people sometimes who encompass that exact determination and ability as my overdramatic depiction describes. But many more who seem to just look for immediate gratification and convenient happiness no matter how ridiculous they look to others: a form of behavior that closely resembles the begging of a dog at the dinner table.

And then I wonder if it really is the human race who is like that? Or just one in every like couple thousand people. I mean I think we’re all really just a bunch of introverted pacifists who will take the easiest road traveled so that we don’t have to deal with life ever being uncomfortable or unfamiliar. And that’s scary. It’s those few people, who are smart and able to realize their choice to use their brains and ambition for themselves vs. for everyone else that creates this Lucas-esque world of responsibility of whether to use their powers for good or evil. I mean I know that this may sound crazy. That people want to think that they are all equal beings who just need the right amount of chemical pills or Dr. Phil books on tape to reach their full potential. But I honestly believe that everyone is different. And not in an “everyone is different so lets learn to be equal” Sesame street number kind of way, but in a biologically unfortunate truth kind of way. People have different constructions, different molecular jargon floating around in their bodies. Just as DNA would change an entire person’s physical genetic makeup, why can’t that cover the brain’s development as well. As a result, people are just born not as smart, not as charismatic, or not as able to impress their friends with how much movie facts they know during that so opportune moment when they show those slides before the previews.

It’s innate. And as a result, we are all different. Not different in our own ways, but just different different. You can’t be equal when you are different different. I know we want to all be nice and say we’re equals and pretend, but the truth is that it is so apparent in our faces everyday of our lives. Everytime you interact with someone you think, “Am I better than this person or worse?” For whatever reason, if in those quick moments you decide you are better, you also sign away their importance in your life. But if they seem to possess some quality that you feel you are lacking yourself, or they are just better at, then you suddenly hold them up on a pedestal. Some people make these people their best friends to learn from or just admire, while others make them their sworn enemies and a threat to their supposed chance at genuine happiness.

But when people can meet others that posses something they both have to offer……AND are of the opposite sex (due to reproductively-beneficial yet biological restraints), then they respect each other equally for their once in a million chance of bringing two complimentary personalities together. This is what I call love. Love is something that has happened to few people and that most have only read about; or now a days, seen on some bachelor-type reality show, that reveals in the end to the blushing bride that the stranger she is about to marry is actually an abusive, alcoholic, public masturbating, neo-Nazi. And the catch on this reality show that makes it better than the last show with the exact same format is that their state’s Supreme Court has just ruled this single marriage un-divorceable so that they HAVE to be together FOREVER. And to top it off, all of this is brought to you by the makers of sunny D which is just a gateway drink to worse addictions than sugar….like alcohol, pot, and reality tv shows, which in turn, just provides more TV spots for Sunny D to sell their crippling potion to America’s next generation of copycats and unoriginal thinkers. It’s a sick, corrupt world we live in and Sunny D is at the bottom of it. And I hate Sunny D. It sucks and it just creates a horrible flem in your throat that gags you more than a Peter North cum shot. It just isn’t any good. But hey, who am I to say what’s good? It’s all relative.
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