Mar 19, 2004 06:53
"the children here grab your hands and walk with you smiling and singing. They have nothing. They are wearing ripped dusty clothes and they are smiling...
I hate that everyone is suffering-theamputees, therefugees, the displaced persons...How do you tell them to start to build their lives back when they are sure the rebels will just take it away again?
Tonight we had fish and salad. It was a big luxury. I was grateful but I had trouble eating. I felt so hollow...
I am in awe of these people. Their will, their hope...
There is so much more happening around the world than what is communicated to us. We all need to look deeper and discover for ourselves...."
This is an exceprt from a book a i bought 2 days ago called "Notes from my Travels: Visits with Refugees in Africa, Cambodia,Pakistan and Ecuador" written by none other than Academy Award winning Actress Angelina Jolie. I had heard that Angie was apointed goodwilll ambassador to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commisioner of Refugees). I never knew how dedicated and commited she was to her role. I am a fan of hers initially, but now i can't think of anyone i admire more.
Now, I haven't read much, but what i have read have read as touched me more than any book.
There are no charecters, no plot, no mindbending mysteries.Lots of tears, though. And the worst part is there is no solution.It wasn't written by Hollywood playwright. They're just notes of a girl who wanted to help.
"-More than 20 million refugees exist today.
-1/6th of the world's popultaion lives on less than one dollar a day
-1.1 billion people lack access ro safe drinking water.
-1/3rd of the world has no electricity.
-More than 100 million children are out of school
-1 in 6 children in africa dies before the age of 5"
These are some interesting statistics Angie brings up in the intorduction to her story.
Between the years 2002 & 2003, Angelina went out to many different countries helping UNHCR rebuild communities and reunite families who were seperated by the rebels.Imagine one day being with your family.The people that love you and care about Then the next day having them ripped away. Many will probably relate this to 9/11. Except these people know that their familes are being tortured and beaten and bruised as badly as they are on a consistent day to day basis.It's like 9/11 everyday for these people.
No child should EVER have to suffer through starvation or disease or lack of education. I wish i could give them ALL the life they dream of. Why would God do that to a poor child? Angie sites an encounter where she met a 1 year old girl. She only 3 months old when rebels cut off her arm and raped her mother. 3 FUCKING MONTHS OLD??!! What kind of sick, twisted, shit is that? It sickens me that this is allowed to go on.
And we thought that a vial of billy bobs blood around her neck was fucked up?
She saved a little babys'life due to her travels and work with the UNHCR. Her son, Maddox. She didn't LITERALLY save his life but you'll get it in a minute.Of course she got flack for naming her son, Maddox, but he was orphan back in his homeland of Cambodia. If she'd have adopted an american child, Maddox would've surely grown up in a life of turmoil and pain. She took him out of a potentially fatal situation. She has a home in Cambodia, so Maddox can still fetl connected to his home.
The part of the story that amazes me the most isn't the fact that she's an actress. It's the courage and hope of these people. Some have,literally,nothing more than the clothes on their backs, but yet they still smile. They still find the joy in life. It infuriates me now when guests at my hotel get mad because they dont have the little things. I'd like to see them do what ANgie did and go for months without a proper shower or bed or any of the other perks that make their lives so fantastic.
I'm glad she does what she does. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about how even the biggest celebrity can have a heart. She is an inspiration. She is and always will be a light in these people's eyes. So she kisses her brother, so she dresses funny, so what? Her humanitarian work makes up for it all.
It is an AMAZING book.
Slight change of subject,but still along the line of books i bought
I finally found Robert Evans autbiography "the Kid stays in the picture." Robert Evans, producer of such films as "Love Story", "Chinatown", "Rosemary's Baby", and most importantly "The Godfather".The man is a legend. He was "the Kid". Or for all you comedy central heads, he's "Kid Notorius".He's had 3 failed marriages. One of them being to Ali McGraw, who had a affair with Steve McQueen. That whore.he was huge at paramount but after a cocaine addiction and the death of one of his colleagues, he fell to rock bottom. But after a returned favor by someone he had helped earlier in life,he shot right back up as one of the head honchos of Paramount Pictures. Great story? You bet your ass it is !;)
ANd last but not least is my plunge into the world of Wicca. To Fiona Horne, from one beautiful blonde to another, thank you for finally putting it all in perspective. Now, im not gonna start "practicing" yet. I want to continue to read about it until i know if it's right for me or not. Easy enough for now.
So, thats my post. Not much left to say.
Until nezt time kids,
Oh yeah Mad House news: Brent , one of the resident christians go voted off. Bonnie won the Voodoo Trial. Fiona performed a goddess ritual with the women of the house. and Art, Don, Brent,Eric and Loana went to the supermarket. Don was called an angel and Art, the devil. LOVE IT!!!!