oh gee, it's a prompt post

May 15, 2010 22:02

Because I've replied to this twice and have yet to fully fulfill my obligations:

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble/ficlet from the following fandoms: GREY'S ANATOMY, CHUCK*, THE BIG BANG THEORY**, THE PACIFIC, BSG. In return, you have to post this in your journal, regardless of your ability level. [If you absolutely can't write, maybe find a creative alternative, like a mini-fanmix or something?]

When prompting leave the following:
fandom + pairing + color + song lyric/title

* - Asking for Chuck/Sarah probably won't yield you any results. Not my pairing, sorry all.
** - Ditto Leonard/Penny. I know, surprise, surprise.
Also, this post is public (all my fic is unlocked) but really mostly for my flist to ask. Just as an FYI.

Prompting is now CLOSED. Thank you!

prompt me

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