Mar 11, 2010 00:22

Here's the deal. My friend nursebadass is doing the Susan G. Komen 3-day walk. She's trying to reach her $2,300 goal. She's 39% of the way, and trying to make it to $1,000 by March -- and I want to help her get there (and yes, I've already donated -- $5, fyi, and let's just pause to think that most of us routinely pay way more than that for our LJ paid accounts).

Here's some of what she had to say:

When I did the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Kansas City this year, I decided that I wanted to be a bigger part of this foundation. Nobody I've ever known has had breast cancer- only patients I have taken care of. But while I was running with that group, when I saw the children with pictures of their mothers on their backs- it touched me. It stirred something deep inside me and I decided that I needed to do more.

I needed to do this.

No child should ever have to walk in honor of their mother. They should be able to walk with their mothers at their sides and holding their hands. They should be able to laugh and play with their mothers- not mourn them. Not fight to hold onto the few memories that they may have of them.

If that's not inspirational, then I don't know what is.

So, this is the deal. If you donate I will write you a ficlet. This isn't like one of those 'prompt me' deals where I don't get through them all. I. Will. Write. All you need to do is donate, no matter how little or how much.

These ficlets will be at least 500 words, maybe more, and they will be done within 2-3 days AT THE MOST. Usual fandoms, but ask if you don't know for sure whether I'll write it.

Sound good? Then go here to donate.
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