Dec 13, 2008 14:24

I can't write. Prompt me.


Fandoms: Lost, Grey's Anatomy. BSG, Gossip Girl, Oz, anything else that you know I watch. Any pairings go.
Prompt me with a fandom, character/pairing, and either a prompt word, song lyric, or picture.

I'm trying to get back in the habit of doing more than one fandom, so, really, you're helping me here.

character: lost: jack, ship: lost: kate/penny, character: lost: kate, character: ga: izzie, ship: lost: sawyer/claire, character: ga: alex, character: lost: penny, ship: lost: jack/claire, character: ga: derek, character: lost: sawyer, prompt me, ship: ga: derek/meredith, ship: ga: alex/izzie, character: lost: claire, !fic, character: ga: meredith

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i think i'm happy now, at least from time to time {meredith/derek} slybrunette December 15 2008, 03:41:26 UTC
*it, um, came out dirty. i hope that's not a problem. if it is i've got more requests to write and hopefully one of those works for you*


Meredith makes it home half an hour before midnight on New Year’s Eve 2009, which has got to be a record. She hasn’t been home on New Year’s Eve since she started working at Seattle Grace.

There’s a bottle of champagne chilling on the dining room table, and Dick Clark is on the television, or at least his show is. Derek looks faintly amused when she rushes in the door, like she’s late for some party.

“Where is everyone?” She asks, looking into the kitchen but finding that just as empty as the living room.

“Sadie’s working. Karev and Stevens are upstairs…doing something.” He makes this face like maybe he’d heard all about it earlier, and he probably had, knowing them. Strangely, that’s one of the things that make it feel like home. That happy, relaxed smile on Derek’s face right now? Well, that’s starting to be one of the others. “It’s just us.”

At some point, in between her shrugging off her coat and saying, “well, that’s a nice change of pace,” he gets his arms around her waist and his lips on her neck and it all kind of goes south from there. They end up on the couch, their hands all over one another, her in her bra and the blouse she’d worn completely unbuttoned, him with his pants half off, like two horny teenagers. She can’t help but think the last time they had sex like this, all frantic and mildly concerned that someone would walk in on them, was in his car at Izzie’s party. Only she’s supposed to be sleeping with him this time around, and that feels so very, very strange, having a boyfriend and not having to hide it because he’s married or an attending dating an intern. It’s strange but it’s good. It feels good.

He feels good too. Warm and hard underneath her, as she rocks her hips, flexes in this way that she knows makes him groan, the way that she figured out by accident, and he later came to describe as ‘the bendy thing’ (well, that’s one of the things; she happens to be incredibly flexible, you know). They’ve really gotten this down to a science by now, they know where to touch and which way to move and when. It sounds like it would be boring, it should be boring, taking all the thrill out of discovery, but it’s not. It feels right, most of the time.

Vaguely, Meredith can hear the countdown start on the television, see the flashing lights against their skin, green and blue and purple, a sharp contrast to the reds and yellows behind her eyelids because all her nerve endings are just absolutely on fire as she comes around him, back arching and hands gripping both him and the couch cushion.

She remembers to breathe when the countdown hits twelve. She smiles at nine. At five, he’s giving her a breathy “happy new year”, and she doesn’t even see the ball drop because he’s kissing her and she’s so wrapped up in him she doesn’t even know what year it just turned.


Re: i think i'm happy now, at least from time to time {meredith/derek} seattle_dreams December 15 2008, 03:48:59 UTC! I don't mind the porniness one bit. That was amazing! Exactly what I expect a MerDer new years to be like. :D

Thank you so much!


Re: i think i'm happy now, at least from time to time {meredith/derek} slybrunette December 15 2008, 03:50:41 UTC
Good, I am beyond relieved about that, lol. You never know, some people aren't into it, but it's my...default with ships I'm not so used to writing (how tragic is that).

I'm glad you liked this hun! Thanks for prompting!


Re: i think i'm happy now, at least from time to time {meredith/derek} seattle_dreams December 15 2008, 03:55:01 UTC
Porn default is a good thing, at least I think so. ;)

Thanks again!


Re: i think i'm happy now, at least from time to time {meredith/derek} darkandtwisty02 December 19 2008, 03:32:53 UTC
And you've managed amazing MerDer Porniness!

Loved it!!!


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