Dec 13, 2008 14:24

I can't write. Prompt me.


Fandoms: Lost, Grey's Anatomy. BSG, Gossip Girl, Oz, anything else that you know I watch. Any pairings go.
Prompt me with a fandom, character/pairing, and either a prompt word, song lyric, or picture.

I'm trying to get back in the habit of doing more than one fandom, so, really, you're helping me here.

character: lost: jack, ship: lost: kate/penny, character: lost: kate, character: ga: izzie, ship: lost: sawyer/claire, character: ga: alex, character: lost: penny, ship: lost: jack/claire, character: ga: derek, character: lost: sawyer, prompt me, ship: ga: derek/meredith, ship: ga: alex/izzie, character: lost: claire, !fic, character: ga: meredith

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