(no subject)

Jan 21, 2008 18:16

Title: I Need Your Grace To Remind Me To Find My Own
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Shannon, Boone.
Word Count: 336
Rating: R
Author's Note: Written for 
bebitched  . Based off this photo
Summary: Pre-island. Shannon wanted something that relied on her, something that was only hers. That no one would take away.

When Shannon was ten all she wanted was a dog.

Her dad was spending more and more time at work or with Sabrina, and Shannon was lonely. She wanted something that relied on her, something that was only hers. That no one would take away.

Sabrina said no, that she couldn’t take care of it, that she was much too young and irresponsible. So Shannon locked herself in her room and cried her eyes out straight through the calls for dinner and Boone’s pleas through the door.

The next day she came home to find one of those ornate fish bowls, the ones with all the plants and the pink rocks filling the bottom that almost seemed iridescent. Inside were two fish, nearly a match pair.

They weren’t just goldfish either. These were orange and white, with long whispery tails that fluttered like the wings of butterflies.

This was, of course, Boone’s doing, she would realize when she found him watching her in the doorway.

“I thought of you when I saw them,” he said, almost like he needs an excuse. “They almost look like they’re dancing.”

And it wasn’t a dog but it was something and, in hindsight, more thoughtful than most twelve year olds should be.

She would spend hours watching them, when she couldn’t sleep. Watching them dance.

It’s what made her want to dance again. It’s what made her start taking those ballet lessons again, start seriously considering being a dancer. It was her dream.

But like with most, this dream wasn’t meant to be a reality.

The guy she played au pair for, in France, had some too. They were a different color, more red, but they still danced. They still twirled around each other in intricate patterns, like they were performing. And just like with every good show it felt like she was the only one in the room.

It was their grace that captivated her. The kind of grace that she had always longed for but never quite found.

character: lost: boone, fandom: lost, !fic, character: lost: shannon

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