(no subject)

Jan 14, 2008 10:52

Ya'll are going to think I'm a nut job for these:

Title: Like All Good Stories
Fandom: Oz
Characters/Pairings: Beecher/Keller, except kind of not.
Word Count: 190
Rating: R
Spoilers: Through the end of Season 6
Prompt: Written for Porn Battle V, though not very porny.
Summary: It started with mind games and, no surprise here, it ends that way too.

It started with mind games and, no surprise here, it ends that way too.

The beginning dictates the ending, like in all good stories.

He wonders if that’s what they are, a story. How to ruin your life. As if Oz didn’t do that already.

No, this is a seminar on how to fuck up your parole. How to simultaneously get both your heart and all four limbs broken. How to get fucked up the ass, both figuratively and literally.

Mind games. That’s what it amounts to.

It wasn’t always like that.

There was the looks across the room that he swore meant something, the ‘i love you Tobe’ that sounded something like a moan and a growl merged into one, desperate and needy, the fucking around as soon as Murphy yelled ‘lights out’, testing to see just what they could do without getting caught, without getting a flashlight shined in their eyes. Skin on skin, heavy pants, hands everywhere, and sore muscles the next morning.

But that was the middle.

And like in all good stories, the middle doesn’t end up meaning a whole lot once the curtains close.


Title: I Can Only Be Myself (I'm Sorry That's Hell For You)
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Alex/Izzie, mentions of Alex/Ava, Alex/Lexie
Word Count: 172
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Got the idea from the above porn battle, but this would not turn smutty. Blame it on my muse. It's depressed. Also, if you know where the title came from, please don't talk about it. That's embarrassing.
Summary: Alex has never been the type of guy who does moments.

Alex has never been the type of guy who does moments. He doesn’t like the big conversations or the elaborate declarations. He can count on one hand the number of times he’s said “I love you” and most of those were before the age of six.

Izzie is exactly the opposite. She’s the emotional one. She talks about feelings, and she occasionally cries over them, and she does all the things that he just...can’t. What he can’t figure out is if they balance each other out or if they’re just entirely incompatible.

He’d rather it was the former. He’s starting to think it’s the latter.

She’s about words. He’s about actions.

He’s been running into that problem a lot. With Ava. With Lexie. They should know what they’re getting themselves into. They should’ve figured this out already. It seems like every time he runs away, every time he screws them over, they’re surprised. And he can’t understand what kind of person everyone thinks he is.

He’s just sure he isn’t that guy.

challenge: porn battle v, fandom: oz, character: oz: beecher, ship: oz: beecher/keller, ship: ga: alex/izzie, character: ga: alex, !fic, fandom: grey's anatomy, character: oz: keller

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