
Jul 19, 2007 15:17

Title: Remember The Telephone Works Both Ways
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Kate/Sun
Prompt: Picture prompt at
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fandom: lost, !fic, lost_femmeslash, ship: lost: kate/sun, drabble

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ladybeth July 19 2007, 23:17:34 UTC
Short, but it has alot in it still. Poor Kate.


slybrunette July 20 2007, 01:21:29 UTC
lol, I seem to be making people sympathize with Kate. That's rare.



ladyumbras2 July 20 2007, 01:27:07 UTC
Well, It would be easier to sympathise with her if the whole triad thing wasn't going on.


slybrunette July 20 2007, 01:28:18 UTC
More like if she wasn't using the both of them as well.


ladyumbras2 July 20 2007, 01:29:58 UTC
*nods* I kinda don't feel any connection to any of the characters except Charlie and that's a superficial reason. Maybe Claire. You give me more connection then the show did.

Unrelated, but connected to my current activaty...I have way too many favorites in my favorites folder....


slybrunette July 20 2007, 01:31:13 UTC
You give me more connection then the show did.


As far as favorites: 205. Beat that.


ladyumbras2 July 20 2007, 01:46:19 UTC
Oh, god, you expect me to count them?

*leaves to count*

823. About half of those are fandom alone, probably more then half.


slybrunette July 20 2007, 01:46:48 UTC
*jaw drops*


ladyumbras2 July 20 2007, 01:47:38 UTC
yeah, I did too. My brain hurts from counting now. I'm going through and trying to slim it down a bit. My rec journal is going to have alot of posts today.


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