(no subject)

Jul 19, 2007 15:17

Title: Remember The Telephone Works Both Ways
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Kate/Sun
Prompt: Picture prompt at
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Kate waits for the phone to ring.

She’s always the one to call, always the one who initiates things. Not this time. She will not pick up that phone.

This is a test.

She has to know that Sun needs her too; this isn’t all in her head. And it hasn’t mattered before, but now it’s venturing into something more than desperation.

Her hands shake.

The red ‘0’ on the answering machine glares. The numbers on the handset beckon. The apartment is quiet, the click of the refrigerator enough to make her jump.

The silence tells her everything she needs to know.

fandom: lost, !fic, lost_femmeslash, ship: lost: kate/sun, drabble

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