(no subject)

Jun 27, 2007 15:50

A friend of mine -- 
truelovepooh-- was recently diagnosed with both breast and ovarian cancer. Due to a recent change in jobs she has no health insurance, and is being forced to pay for pricy treatments and exams out of pocket, a struggle that many of us can understand.

As a result, a bunch of her friends have banded together to set up a site to help raise money to help her out with her medical bills. I understand that for a lot of us money isn't something we can just throw around, but anything, even $5 dollars, would help her a great deal. She's done a lot in the Grey's Anatomy community from modding over at Media Blvd for several years, to acting as co-webmaster over at kheigl.com. She's also a fellow fanfic writer. But despite all these accomplishments, the most important part of it, is that she's a wonderful person, caring and helpful. I may not be as close to her as some but in the time I've known her she's been a great friend, supportive and easy to talk to. I'd like to return the favor and help her and her family out during this ordeal.

The site being used for donations is here at SupportStacie.org

Tomorrow, June 28th, she'll be undergoing major surgery, and I'm asking all of you to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you.
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