
May 06, 2010 01:40

After 6 years, my favourite show will end in 3 episodes and 4 1/2 more hours.

Lost is ending.

In today's Episode, "The Candidate", 4 characters died within 10 minutes of each other, which has left me quite distraught. The episodes features the highest ever amount in any one episode

1) Sayid Jarrah was first as he sacrificed his own life in favor of saving the other people’s lives by running away to the back of the sub with the bomb

In the end, he proved to be good. Following his actions in the war, this was a man that believed he was eternally damned. Even when he fell in love (Nadia, Shannon), he was around when those women died. These tragedies allowed Sayid to wallow in his own form of self-pity.

2) This was followed by Frank Lapidus who is knocked out by a door as it gives way to the water.

Always good for a wise crack to lighten the mood, we'll miss this pilot, about whom we must wonder: why was he on the island? We never got a real flashback, his presence never served much of a point. Will we ever learn more about this character? Or was he simply around so we would believe the castaways might leave via the plane because a pilot was among them?

and then

3) and 4) Jin and Sun Kwon

Their reunion lasted a week, but their death will be remembered for a lot longer than that.

Why was there no mention of Ji Yeon? As admirable as it was for Jin to remain with his wife, I was distracted by the thought that Sun should be pleading with Jin to leave, for the sake of their daughter.

The tears Lost fans will shed over this couple's passing speaks as much to the show's brilliance as it does to the pair's love. It's impossible not to think back to the first season, where Sun and Jin weren't close, where the former had recently contemplated leaving the latter, and where the latter didn't even speak English.

6 seasons later, they became one of the most iconic couples in TV history with the most succint of lines in their death.

Jin: (In Korean) "I won't leave you. I will never leave you again. I love you Sun!"

(cue music and tear ducts)

It may just be a TV show, but it's brillant and I am utterly gutted.

The death of Edie Britt in Desperate Housewives last season barely made me sad for more than an hour or so...the deaths of Sayid, Lapidus, Jin and Sun made me so distraught, I can't do anything else now.

On that note, I did write a Jin and Sun tribute 2 seasons ago.


This time, the death is for real.

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