I've been having fun seeing the folks here at UMass again, after a month and more away from some of them. My favorite of them, photographer Jon, sort of smiled and waved in this quiet way he has when I caught his eye across a meeting this morning. And that was that - it was quite literally all we needed. Lots of people gesticulate and say "HEYYYYYY!!!" when it's been a while, but he and I can tell we're happy to see the other with much less of a scene - none at all, actually. He's refreshing. Later in the day he came by my office and we caught up in the privacy of our own friendship.
I have two offices now, whaddup.
Another friend, an intelligent, well-intentioned but slightly condescending Mormon (don't look at me like that - that's an apt description) came by and I asked about his final paper from the course we took together last semester. He rattled off the general topic and then said in his drawling academic voice, "so I took my three books, chronologically, and sort of traced their historiographical relationship." He had one elbow leaned on a bookshelf in my office and used that same expounding, come-along-with-my-argument tone. "So I was asking "how does this first author deal with this, and how does this develop in the next book?" And he labored on each phrase like it was such a progression of thought. I thought about it for a moment and said "ohhh, hm." When what I meant was: No shit, comparing three historiography books was the fucking assignment. Can a sister get a proper noun?
And of course, before all this I saw Maria! We had dinner with her beau at an American Irish pub and saw The Iron Lady - commentary later I hope. Back at her grad dorm we had hot chocolate. The next day we slept in a little and got lunch at Harvard Square (making me pine for Boston, or at least a full weekend there) and I went on my way, Peter Panning back to Amherst. She gives the most impressive hugs I've ever received. And the thing is, she's so tiny - I should CRUSH her. But she goes into with more gusto and holds on longer.
Later days ~