Nov 09, 2003 18:05
So it's been awhile since I've updtated. Let's back to Charlotte okay, Jeff and Ben got stuck in traffic trying to get to Charlotte to pick me up. I was so worried, I didn't know what was going on. Well, they got there 45 minutes after I had arrived, and we made it safely back to Boone. Monday morning I got up early, calling my Statistics teacher to see what I missed Friday (nothing luckily b/c he wasn't there) and then I called my communications teacher to see when I could make up the test that I missed Thursday. She let me make it up Thursday so that was good. Then I looked at my syllabi (however you spell the plural of syllabus) and saw that I have three tests scheduled for this week. I then remembered that my history teacher was going to change the syllabus b/c we got behind, so I called her to see about what was coming up. She didn't move the test, so then that's four tests this week. Freaking lovely. As Stephanie adequately put it, "Fate took a dump on you." (I think that's what she said, or it was something close). I've had no time to come to terms about Grandma's death, and I've been sick, and I've been studying for my four tests. Absolutely lovely. I'm really worried that I'm not going to do well on any of them. But I'll have to see. I do know that Friday I'm going to get tore up from the floor up. I deserve it dammit. It's going to be a long stressfull week, and I've been under nothing but stress since Grandma died. I unfourtunately can't afford to get what I really want to drink (Baily's and Kahlua) so I'm just going to get some really cheap wine. And somehow I'm going to come up w/ the money to go see "The Matrix" since I wanted to see it this weekend but I couldn't b/c I've been studying. Anyways, that's the update. Thanks to those people who commented on the last makes me feel better to know that people do actually read this. Anyways, back to studying....really hoping I can get through this week....I keep telling myself I can do it but I'm having serious Anyways, I'll update later....