I'm meeeelting!!!

May 25, 2009 18:41

I can't believe that Portland has been warm and sunny for a few days now. O_o So I totally had something to share but I can't remember what... maybe I'll remember after I do my blessings. xD

01 4-day weekend
I have one!!! I'm on day 3 now, but WHOA! 4-day weekend?! WTF is that? LOL.

02 I found volume 3 for "The Twelve Kingdoms" novel series
It's like out of print everywhere... but I actually recently found 2 copies. *__* So what little money I had on me, I so nabbed it. xD But I have it now!! Question is, when will I get to reading it. xD

03 My hair... rocks
XD!! Well, not really. But I have really long thick hair. ICK!! So I finally had my sister trimmed it... it was awesome and all, but I was still burning in the sun. XD So I had her trim it a 2nd time and it rocks even more now. LOL. My hair is pretty boring, but whatever -- my head feels so light now. XD I might even be able to spike parts of it up. MUAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah, I was too chicken to go all the way short like it used to be. XD

Well, I don't remember what I wanted to initially share, so I'll share a recent dream I had instead...

I was with my sister @ the VAMPS concert -- we were front row. LOL. She was with a friend and was trying to contact her other friend. I was a loner. xD Her 2nd friend wasn't able to make it so she gave me the extra ticket and told me to go sell it to somebody (there was a huge line of people w/o tickets). So I went to the line and was like "I've got a single ticket to sell!" This girl runs up to me and offers me $300. My response, "No way!!! $35 is what I paid for it. $35 is what I'll sell it to you for!" Am I really that honest of a person? XD So me and this girl went to where I was standing w. my sister and her friend... yeah, don't ask me how we were able to squeeze back to the front row. xD

So the show starts and my sister is bouncing around and HYDE PULLS HER UP ON STAGE!!! XD So my sister kinda moshed around w. the band until the first song ended and it was break time. But it wasn't a normal break, it was LUNCH BREAK! XD All of the people in the front row were invited to have lunch with VAMPS. XD So we all piled into a school bus and rode out to Burgerville...

Then I woke up.

Oh yeah, another thing that was really weird was that the security guards were all people that I knew. xD They were all either teachers from the high school I went to or professors that I've had @ PSU. O___o WTF?!?!?!

Random information, I need a hat... but I look ridiculous in them. XD

blessings, dreams

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