I thought you'd want a photographic journey through the making of
the Peeps Pie. You're probably bored of hearing about it, but this is it, really. It's now in the fridge at work, waiting for people to eagerly devour it. The response has--I know you're shocked!--been kind of slow.
First I needed to melt 30 Peeps with some hot milk. I did it in the microwave because I thought that would be more fun. I could hear them screaming as they disinegrated.
These pictures are from my phone and thus they do no justice to the horrid bright pink color that is melted Peeps. The recipe calls for mixing in some chocolate chunks (I used chocolate chips). I realized that the reason for this is because the little Peep eyes--made of wax--don't melt with the marshmallow. As you can see, even when the goo was melted, the little eyes were still staring back at me, pleading me not to carry on with this evil experiment.
I folded in the whipped cream (actually I used cool whip) and chocolate chips and poured the neon goo into the graham cracker crust. Looks innocent enough, I suppose. Thank goodness the chocolate chips masked the Peep Eyes.
Then I decided that it wouldn't be a post-Easter Miracle unless I put some green coconut on top, so the Peep garnishes could rest in a bed of grass. Plus, I'd just been watching some Six Feet Under and seeing as how I killed 30 Peeps to put into the pie, it felt like "burying" them under some grass was appropriate, so that their Purple Peep cousins (later to become garnish) would not be standing right on top of them.
The pie came to work with me this morning, because people at work will eat ANYTHING, even if it's made of melted Peeps. Before serving, I garnished with the Purple Peeps.
My one boss ate some of it and he called it "instant diabetes". I had a bite. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it was far from anything I'd call good. I feel like I need to drink a gallon of water just to flush my system. The Peeps Pie is now in the fridge with the following note on it:
And thus the adventure of the Peeps Pie concludes. Overall, I wouldn't recommend it, though it has a certain kitsch value to it. Not the tastiest dessert ever. My one housemate asked me if I added any sugar to it and I almost laughed in his face...as if something constructed of PEEPS and COOL WHIP needs more sugar? Right.