Getting madder - and ready to work

Feb 07, 2009 00:39

Like all good little progressives, I exulted in the victory of Daddy Obama and drank the kool-aid that he would Make It All Better. Watched that evil Bush fly away and heard Cheney cackle.

I eat organic, wash my recycling before putting it in the bin, and fly a rainbow streamer from the roof. My liberal dues are paid and the card is punched. Life should now be good. I want to go back to life as it has been and check in periodically to see that, well, Daddy Obama is making things Better.

But the guy didn't do a Kennedy speech - it was so matter of fact and grounding that it hurt. We're going to have to work. Work hard. Things suck big time right about now and it will take a lot of work to fix them. Hard work. All of us, even in comfortable Seattle.

It has taken a few weeks, but I'm getting the idea. The same evil mouthbreathers whose greed fucked up our banks and economy are posturing and obstructing and complaining mightily to the media. The work we have to do right now is to loudly, as a nation, all of us individually and with whatever togetherness we identify with, need to tell them to back the fuck up.

Those fools are jamming up the works. They don't care if the nation fucking burns and collapses, as long as they get in their partisan monkey wrench into the works. They've come out and said that they have to be the Taliban domestically, and have publicly prayed for Obama's plans to fail. They made this fucking mess and they are complaining that we aren't buying off on their solution to it. Fuck that!

Talk it up. Explain the concept of rebuilding infrastructure to your friends. Explain how the government spending money right now to put people to work isn't dreaded "socialism" - it's what has to be done. Watch Rachel Maddow - she's crazy smart and explains these things really simply. Put bumper stickers on your car. Call in to the talk shows.

We're gonna have to work hard to realize everything that we voted for - this is just the start of it. Daddy Obama can't do it all himself - he needs our help. And our sweat.


Edited the next morning to add:

My image in writing this is to create a groundswell of active loud public opinion. Along with this grassroots commotion is definitely making that noise to public officials. Make certain that your congresspeople and Senators hear from you. It's easy to Google finding your people and how to email or mail them. And that's now and continuing.
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