Gah... so very very tired. I have been seriously neglecting my poor journal mostly sue to the fact I have been too dead to think of anything worth writing down.
At the beginning of the summer I couldn't find a job- now I have three; its pretty insane. I work up at the Inn regularly, cleaning up after the damn yuppies, and that alone is enough to send me to an earlie grave. And now I am also babysitting for these two adorable boys; 2 and 4 years old. The the end of our first day together all three of us were completely coated in mud- so you can imagine what that workload is like.
Henry, the older one, is just too cute for words. He told me the other day that I had "delicate eyes", and just before I left told his mom that he loves me. Sammy is equally cute, but a bit less articulate. ^_^
And then, of course, there is the movie project. Brit (the boys' mother) drops me off at Keiths house after I'm done watching the kids and I start a four to five hour set-dressing block. Yesterday we were putting puzzles together...really hard ones. I hate puzzles!! Zach ((Leader of
Axis of Evil!. )) and I were supposed to be doing this huge circular under water scene- where everything was blue, except for the fish which were all yellow. four hours later we had about half of it done, and I was ready to get the matches.
I wonder if Keith realizes how much money he is paying us to sit around and do puzzles all day...
Anyway; the moral of this story is that I am exhausted and need to go crawl into a hole and die. But first I have to go and update all the games. *headdesk*
To Do list
- Call DMV
- Call Brit
- Reserve HBP at Oblong
- Check games