Genesi; Slugable guardò le cazzate e vide che era cosa buona.
Nov 18, 2012 15:56
Oh un post personale! Perchè codesta cosa? Forse perchè non ho niente da fare (bugia) e non ho voglia di fare niente (come scrivere un nuovo capitolo di They Envy Us, completare due tabelle, fare i compiti ...). Però una cosa l'ho fatta! AH AH! Ho comprato due libri su di Supernatural, dopo aver speso ieri 22 euro di manga arretrati ed aver la bellezza di 11 libri ancora da leggere. Ma sono di Supernatural! Ok le mie passioni passeggere su qualsiasi cosa mi portano alcune volte a fare qualche piccola (pfff) cazzata, ma è la prima volta che compro due libri full-english per trovare qualche altro momento wincest (quindi ora potete immaginare le mie nobili intenzioni).
Dopo aver girato prima su SL nella sezione libr aver cercato tutti i pdf, trovandone solo tre (l'unico che ho letto fin ora è stato il ohn Winchester's Journal, mai ci fu un libro più farcito di wincest), mi sono decista a comprarli. Se non sbaglio sarebbero 14 libri spin-off. Le trame sono motlo simili agli episodi regolari: i due bei fratellini vanno in una citta sperduta, mostro, salt-and-burn, e via di nuovo a salvare il mondo. Ognuno di questi si inserisce in una determinata stagione (fino alla settima) e in un determinato lasso di tempo tra gli episodi.
Li stavo già inserendo tutti nel carrello (ero arrivata alla quota 10) quando mi sono fermata e detta: leggiamo le recensioni prima ... Devo ringraziare il grande demone celeste se qualche neurone mi funziona ancora. Come volevasi dimostrare la maggior parte delle recensioni erano negative.
Nevermore il primo dei libri, aveva delle recensioni piuttosto negative (per gli amici una media di tre stelle su 71 recensioni, tenendo conto che quelle più quotate lo valutavano con una stella) e giacchè l'avevo trovato anche in pdf lo lascia stare. Diciamo che così è capitato praticamente ai primi 8 libri (non tutti così disperati ma neanche tanto entusiasti): il problema principale era la mancanza di passione. Ora spiego meglio. La maggior parte degli scrittori aveva a malapena visto due stagioni di Supernatural quindi non erano a pieno entrati nella sua atmosfera (per me signifiva "non abbastanza wincest feelings").
Disperata perchè mi vedevo già a passare le notti su chissà quali siti di download per trovare i pdf arrivai al nono libro: apriti cielo.
Night Terror scritto d John Passarella, si svolge nella sesta stagione tra gli episodi "Frontierland" e "Mommy Dearest". Vi metto sotto spoiler la trama (in inglese perchè sono pigra e non voglio tradurre):
[Trama] When Bobby is alerted to some strange happenings in Clayton Falls, Colorado, he sends Sam and Dean Winchester to do a bit of recon. Lucy Quinn, the daughter of the chief of police, claims that she and two friends were chased by a headless horseman in the park. Lucy and Tony escaped. Her other friend, Steve, ended up running into the street, where he was hit and killed by a '68 Charger. But the '68 Charger did not have a driver and witnesses saw the phantom vehicle disappear into thin air. That same night, a homeless man reports being chased by a Gila monster that had been the size of two Nissans.
Sam and Dean use their counterfeit FBI (Homeland Security) credentials to investigate. Chief Quinn believes his daughter may have been drinking and imagined it all. Same with the homeless man. He refuses to believe any of the crazy reports coming into the station are true...even those from his own officers, who insist that Nazi zombies are attacking the locals. The brothers soon find themselves fighting the stuff of nightmares. A tree uproots itself and impales a man on a limb. A giant tarantula dines on a jogger. A sinkhole that is deep and wide enough to hold a gymnasium forms. And those are only the beginning.
Sam and Dean must figure out what is causing the terrors that are stalking the nights within Clayton Falls. But they had best do it quickly, because soon the living nightmares will never end.
Non avendolo ancora letto e quindi non potendo dare nessuna seria recensione (che non so fare...) vi lascio qualche frase dalle recensioni che mi ha colpito particolarmente (anche queste in inglese): [Recensioni] Barbara-Nice-Miller ( It's about time there's a Supernatural paperback tie-in novel worth reading. If you haven't yet bought Night Terror, DO IT NOW.
Kelios ( I'll be honest, although I love Supernatural, until now the tie-in novels have left me cold. Poor characterizations, ridiculous plots and awful secondary characters have pretty much ruined them for me. That all came to an end with John Passarella's Night Terrors.
Richard Dagneau ( someone gets it! This is the best tie-in novel for the Supernatural series that I've ever read. Amazingly, this writer has delved into the aftermath of Soulless Sam, more than the show ever has, and I loved it- all the while wishing this author could write for the show, too!
Detra Fitch ( Whether you want an extra "Supernatural" episode or simply to read a dark story and feel cold fingers run the length of your spine, this novel is perfect.
Ok forse non sono il massimo ma dopo recensioni su recensioni che descrivevano come i personaggi erano caratterizzati da schifo qui era manna dal cielo. Morale della favola l'ho comprato alla modica cifra di 4,12 Euro.
Dopo questa improvvisa felicità (che si può notare dalla portata di questo post) ho deciso di andare avani e guarda guarda chi mi ritrovo: JOHN PASSARELLA! YAY!
Il suo secondo libro Rite of Passage è inserito nella settima stagione tra gli episodi "Season 7, Time for a Wedding!" e "How to Win Friends and Influence Monster" e qui avete la trama:
[Trama] Sam and Dean Winchester consider Bobby to be their honorary uncle. After dealing with some harpies, the trio travel to Laurel Hill, New Jersey. On the surface, the small town seems to be having a horrible run of bad luck. In truth, the unfortunate town has been infiltrated by an invincible creature that specializes in orchestrating bad accidents and causing the spread of diseases.
Sam still has a daily struggle to maintain a vise-like grip on his sanity. Occasionally Sam has trouble distinguishing between what is reality and what is "Lucifer-vision". Dean does all he can to help his brother cope. Often Sam will squeeze the scar on his left hand, prompting real-world pain to push reality back to the surface of his mind. But Dean worries that someday he may lose his brother to madness. In addition to his problem, the Winchester brothers recently had a couple of dark doppelgangers created of them by the Leviathan. These doppelgangers had gone on a cross-country killing spree. Sam and Dean must continually keep looking over their shoulders in case somebody made them as the infamous serial killers. Therefore, Bobby uses his Fed disguise to work with the local police, while the brothers go undercover as insurance claim adjusters so that they may talk to witnesses of all the bad accidents and deaths.
Sumiko Jones is known in school as the Lion Truth Blogger. The teen is intelligent and extremely observant. She uses these talents to blog school happenings that most fail to notice. Her boyfriend is Ryan Bramble. Ryan has been having trouble with his grades this year. Sumiko is helping by tutoring Ryan; yet Ryan feels that it is a worthless endeavor. It does not help that Ryan has been suffering lately from horrible migraines. If the tension headaches are not enough, Ryan is beginning to experience insane rages. He has no idea what is happening to him. The answer is far worse than he could ever imagine. As the chain of misfortunes escalates, Sumiko expands her blog to include all the recent supernatural events in Laurel Hill. Eventually her blog investigation catches the eyes of Sam and Dean.
Solo che c'era Hallucifer andava comprato ma mi sono detta: le recensioniiii, le recensioniii ... quindi andiamo a vedere queste recensioni! Sono un po' meno entusiaste del primo libro di Johnny-boy, ma comunque abbastanza valide da dire: è mioooo! (quindi altri 4,12 euro)
[Recensioni] Fairie girl ( The feel for Sam and Dean is pretty good- nothing came off as too out of character. The author writes Hallucifer well. I could truly picture the hallucination scenes. The author also deals a bit with Dean' s drinking and depression. I only gave this book a 4 because of the bad guy. There was so much destruction and chaos in such a short period of time that it was amazing the Leviathans did not make an appearance just for the all you can eat buffet. The bad guy just never came off as super scary and the boys (including Bobby) just seemed a little off their game. I would recommend it.
Ficwriter1966 ( I've read all of the Supernatural tie-in novels to date - and since they've ranged all over the map from terrible to...okay, I go into each new one not expecting very much. I count one as a "win" if I can get through it without wanting to throw it against a wall. This one? *Almost* makes it to on-the-mark. Mr. Passarella definitely has our familiar characters (Sam, Dean and Bobby) spot-on. Their voices and actions are true, and he doesn't try to exaggerate their characteristics for the sake of saying, "See?? I noticed that Dean loves classic rock!" or "See?? I noticed that Bobby says 'idjit'!!" Our boys are smart and creative here, and that's a joy to encounter.
Penso di aver finito: ora ho più o meno 12 euro in meno nella post pay (tra costi di spedizione) e un bel sorriso stamapato sul faccino! non vedo l'ora che arrivino così li posso leggere in santa pace!
Si conclude così il primo post personale (che non ha niente di personale se non quello che spendo) e vi lascio le copertine dei librozzi (sotto spoiler)! [Coperitine]