(no subject)

Mar 16, 2008 18:45

I put my pointe shoes on for the first time today in a longgg time and did a lot of my old ballet exercises. It was really fun, a little painful, especially on my left foot that I broke a few years ago and that still hurts*, and it made me realize both that I really miss ballet and that I'm better off without it.

*I didn't really "break it", I bent it. Yes, I bent the bone. So obviously it didn't heal back to the normal position and now it is easily stressed.

These shipping crates totally look like Legos.

First glimpse of the city!

These huge apartment buildings kind of creep me out. They're like beehives.

This wasn't even the whole hallway. And we were on the twenty third floor or something. Jeez.

Ps this totally reminds me of The Shining.

We hopped on the subway, heading for the village. Our plan was to spend the afternoon at the park (I believe it was Washington Square) but it was closed due to construction NOOOOOO.

So we just walked around instead.

The first time I came to the city we went to the top of the Empire State Building and I could see this building from there. I tried to point it out to my parents, but it took me a good FORTY-FIVE minutes to get them to see it. Sheesh.

Gonna stop there.

nyc!, pictures

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