Beautiful Friday

Mar 14, 2008 14:07

This was my spring break! March 1-March something or other, I'm not really sure. It was roughly a week long.

This was all the luggage I had to take. Note that only two of those bags were things that I actually backed- all the other stuff was junk that my mom asked me to bring so that she could take it back home with her after nyc.

First stop on the magical mystery tour was my uncle's house. Unfortunately this is my only picture of our day and a half stay- I was consumed with finishing my transfer application. Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Moving on.

We started our drive towards south Jersey, where my aunt lives. Unfortunately I didn't realize for quite a while that my camera was still on tungsten setting, so the next several pics are overly blue.

Freaking kudzu was all over every single tree by the side of the road. And it is so ugly when it's brown and leafless during the winter.

That is one hell of a car, buddy.

And the angel Maroni(sp?)on the top of that important church whose demonination I have totally forgotten. When I was younger we used to drive up to Jersey a lot to visit my grandparents and every time we passed this church my Dad would tell me that he would get me ice cream if I could remember the name of the angel. Now it is burned into my brain.

Sitting down for dinner at aunt's house.

That's Grandma and aunt's boyfriend dancing over in the right hand corner.

Delicious salad.

That's aunt, finishing cooking dinner.

And that's all the pictures I got. We watched a Bruce Springsteen concert, discussed politics and then went to bed early since myself, my mom, and my dad were driving into nyc early the next morning.

I did not wake up happy. In fact, technically I didn't wake up at all. Something in the room I slept in triggered an allergic reaction and I spent all night coughing and wiping my watering eyes. I had finally fallen asleep around three when mom woke me up at six so I could pack. I did so and then fell back into bed to try and get a bit more sleep.

And of course, didn't get any.

It was way too dark outside to get up.

Luckily I got some sleep in the car and woke up just as we were approaching Manhattan.

First glimpse of the skyline!

And that is where I will end it for now.

nyc!, pictures

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