Mar 23, 2006 11:11
I just spent $3.36 on the most random meal ever:
-Apple juice
-An almond-poppyseed muffin
In retrospect, I could've used this money and gone to McDonald's or Taco Bell instead, but what to say. I'm having a delayed reaction, and my life is a series of delayed reactions. And well, Fritos. The breakfast of champions, I guess.
I don't know why I let myself get away with staying up so late. And it's not like I was doing anything TOO productive at midnight; I was only telling Claudia of the ongoing saga of my life. Chalk it to being a Libra, I guess. We're talkers and storytellers and social people by nature. For some reason yesterday I was feeling especially devoid of social contact. I went back to the house after my interview, and there was nobody there. It just about drove me insane. I cranked the Jackson, sang a few keys, called Nora. The bad thing about this college deal is that I go home, and I get used to the special treatment. And then I return to little ol' Cheney, and it's a totally different planet. I'm not exactly thrilled about being here for the next three years.
But then again, who says I have to stay here for the MA? In talking with my friend Erica yesterday, the subject of studying abroad came up. Specifically, studying in London.
The idea just threw me off the loop completely.
I mean, of course there are other options. Graduate students who teach classes here get paid $800 a month, with all their tuition covered. The system is based on GPA. Right now, combined with my transfer credit, I am at a 3.84 overall. Not bad, but also not where I want to be (yes, tell me I'm an overachiever.)I hope that my grades last quarter set the precedent for my undergrad career. We shall see. But I would love to be able to teach while I work on my master's. I don't know how realistic it is that I would be working on that AND teaching elsewhere. And well, therefore, the most practical thing would be to stay, if I earned my way to a teaching position. There's always life after the MA and the PhD.
But London, London, London.
I may just be jumping to conclusions here.
Moving on.
Good news: I now fit into my 'motivation pants.' These were a pair of jeans that I bought in September and barely wore because I got too big for them, too fast. They were hanging in my closet (yes, hanging) as a way to motivate myself to keep running (and not just running upstairs to the kitchen.) And today, my friends, fiends, and foes, I wore these pants for the first time in months. And they're almost new, which makes it even better.
Bad news: I've discovered I need a belt in order to properly wear these pants. I do not have a belt.
More bad news: I now sound like a typical girl. "Oh my gawd! I can fit into these pants! I am so fat blah blah blah blah blah."
Good news: I have found someone to challenge me for my upcoming fitness training.
Bad news: He's a guy, and given that our metabolisms are different, he'll probably lose more weight than I and will end up winning the money.
Good news: I will be healthier, and that's all that matters.
Good news: I got a 3.8 on my final American Lit paper, despite the fact that I completely blew off my works cited page. Dr. Logan wrote that my topic didn't necessarily work, but that I was so passionate in my writing, she couldn't give me anything lower.
Bad news: I just took a final exam for her class and I think I did oh-kay, just okay. I knew all the basic answers, but my intelligence is at an all-time low, given all this information I've processed in the past couple of days.
Good news: What goes around, comes around.
Bad news: What goes around, comes around.
And to end this on a totally random note, I was reading a fabulous astrology book last night, and the description of Libra was completely right. Maybe I am reading too much into this stuff, but I wonder how things would have turned out if I had been born a Sagittarius like I was intended to be.