Jul 06, 2011 02:05
WOW. I can't believe the last time I posted on this was when I was pregnant with my son, Noah. He is now 2 and will be 3 in August. He is the light of my life and the person that keeps me going.
I am now a junior at my dream school, Incarnate Word and I will graduate December 2012.(Right before the world ends! Sweeeeet!) I am enjoying my life for the most part. I got a second job (waiting tables) at Cracker Barrel. I work mornings there and then my other job at night. It keeps me busy and on my feet, but I hate not being able to see Noah. But I know in the end what Im doing now will be for the best and will help us in the long run.
My sister has come back from England and they had a second child. Charlie! He is adorable and were going to see them in a couple weeks. (Good thing Noah likes planes. lol)
There is also a new man in my life.... well (kinda) He's here but not actually here with me. We knew eachother in high school, lost touch and found eachother through that website called facebook? lol yeah. Well we ended up hanging out, falling head over heels. But never even telling eachother. He had to move up north because he has a son as well and is trying to fight for full custody. But I did hear from him, he wrote me a letter on facebook telling me that he is in love with me and hes making it first priority to move back down here so we can be together. Guess getting his son back isn't working so well? :/
So for now I'm praying for him and his safety and hoping one day that things work out the way their supposed to. And it would be AWESOME, FANTASTIC, AMMMMMAZING if he came back here... just saying. :D I love you B.