before you can even ask.... here it is:
from flat to ... phat? (i dunno.)
okay, i apologize ahead of time for my inability to keep a straight face and any crappy quality pics.
&please note that this is just the method that's been working for me. there's other means & other products out there for big hair.
& don't hate on me just cause i'm not an expert or if you think it's/i'm ugly.
i've come out of a fair share of sweaty mosh pits with big hair in tact! so i'm just tryin' to help a brotha outtt.
firssssst! give your hair a quick straightening.
it makes all the difference! (though i didn't straighten mine)
oh & my hair is way long now, but this works at any length!
(it tends to look best though, if your hair is really really layered)
OKAY, now begin with your favourite comb that is dyed
the current colour of your hair. or a teasing comb or whatever.
grab a section at the top of your head
now pay attention, kids:
TEASE (take the section, hold hair at the ends & comb
towards your head in short strokes to form knots at the roots)
and then SPRAY at the roots!
personally i use got2b glued spiking freeze spray
but i've heard good things about aquanet and others. SO YEAH.
and now....
you should look like a fool with a single standing spike of hair.
then grab a section right next to the first one
guess what you do to it!
and then on the other side...
everyone together now:
by now you should look like the statue of liberty. oh so sexy.
okay, soooo now you work your way down the back of your head (like a mohawk)
and tease & spray sections down the back.
yeah, i dunno, it looks like a huge mess but hopefully you get the idea.
don't be afraid of how tangly this all looks... it should be wild right now
then, work your way under the first few spikes
& tease and spray those sections too
so now most of the underlayers should be teased.
so the entire back of your head should be all-knotty-goodness.
this is like the foundation for the house we're building. uh huh.
but it'd look weird if your hair was flat in the front and then suddenly big...
so just grab smaller sections & tease & spray along
your "headband line" (where you would wear a headband? chyeah.)
and then this is the point where your roommates
walk in on your mission to sexyness and call
you names like bride of frankenstein.
okay, so obviously, you gotta tone this down a bit!
just take short strokes with your comb starting from the
roots and working down just to smooth out the "top layer" of hair
you just tangled your hair and sprayed it in place....
so it might be tough to untangle parts of it.
but just go through and make sure you do an even job!
if you want it smooth like this:
coomb it MORE.
if you want it chunkier and choppier like this:
comb it less!
and then just lift up small layers of your hair all around
your head and spray underneath (spray more for a more sectioned look)
and then give it all a once over with the spray!
some parts too big? comb it down more!
some parts too small? tease and spraaaaay again!
then garnish with your favourite
lipgloss&black accessory & SERVE HOT.
& for those asking... this is what the back of my hair would look like:
word up.
try it yo'self, foo.
note: for those asking me how to untangle your hair after...
just wash it as usual in the shower. it'll be super ratty while you shampoo but
once you condition the knots should just kinda fall out! if not, rinse & repeat!
&for a tutorial on how to pomp your hair
click here