
May 24, 2007 15:45

I was tagged by scrunchy the other day, and since I never really get tagged (and she rarely tags), I'm going for it! This is entirely true, though, because many of the fics whose idea I love most are languishing, half-written, on my computer.

WRITER'S MEME: Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of the top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

In no particular order:
  • Dial Tone (SV, some disturbing content) - I believe this is the only time I've ever written for a flashfic challenge (sv_flashfiction), and I was really proud of myself for finishing it. The theme/gimmick pretty much came to me right away, and because each section is independent, I found it easier to write than some of the long fics that take over my brain.
  • How to be Perfect Men (SGA, AU) - This fic turned out to be much more difficult than I first imagined, especially figuring out the timeline. I totally cheated, too, by writing the story based on one challenge prompt, and then picking a different one after I'd finished it.
  • Bang (SGA, adult content) - Generally speaking, I do not write porn/smut. I can look at something I wrote and think a line is beautiful or clever, but I am incapable of reading something I wrote and finding it hot or sexy, so I usually avoid even trying. However, after listening to "Bang" by Armchair Cynics (hear a snippet here) on repeat for a couple hours... I got inspired. (Of course, now I'm thinking it would make an awesome Heroes vid, but such is my obsessive brain.)
  • The Maineland (Wandering Around Lost) (SGA) - This is one of the longest fics I've ever written (even when you take the stolen jokes out!), and I'm geniunely proud of it. The very idea of it makes me happy.
  • Frontier Hounds (SPN, AU) - Oh, man. I had such grand plans for this universe, and I turned around, and two seasons happened. Now I'm not sure I could do what I had originally intended, but I still feel like I want to explore it a bit more; the boys still have more story to tell.

And... erm. Is there anyone who's really be dying to do this one? If so, consider yourself TAGGED. *g*

#i wrote a thing, (me) meme

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