He is good indeed.
Back in, what was it, November? I went to the dentist and was told I needed a filling in one of my back teeth. I've never had a filling in my life. Furthermore, I don't do well with people poking their fingers in the very back of my mouth. The procedure was scheduled for today and, needless to say, I spent a couple of months thinking, "Ah crap." I mean, I was even contemplating two of my Effexor meds this morning. Hey, if I could have this procedure in a haze of whatever, feeling no pain, I'd be quite happy thank you *g*
Last week, the office called and said that my dude was out sick and another doctor was covering his schedule. Instead of canceling, I was advised my appointment had been moved up 15 minutes. Oh joy.
This morning, I dressed as comfortably as I could, which meant my short black denim flared skirt which I adore, a skelanimals top and hoodie, stripey thigh-highs and Doc Maarten boots. I had my old cloth bag which I'd not used for years, instead of my my regular mini back-pack thing, and my hair is finally long enough again for me to tie it back in my handcuffs pony tail band. Yeah, I'm reverting back to my old, old college days, but it feels good. And damn it, I needed to feel good today.
I got to the office a few minutes early, gave my name and proceeded to sit down and wait. No sooner had I got my National Review out to read, then they called my name. They put the bib around me and I settled back in the chair. This was after warning them about my gag reflex. Hey, if I'm gonna puke it's polite to give them warning *g* At this point, I began praying. Dear God, get me through this. Send me your peace.
The technician was fussing. She couldn't find the tooth on the x-ray she had. That wasn't surprising; last time I went they couldn't get x-rays of the back of my mouth. So they needed to redo the x-rays. Thankfully, this time they had a stand-up machine. Hell, why couldn't they have done that last time? I obediently pulled the metal out of my hair, confirmed I didn't have my tongue pierced (must have been the way I looked *g*) and stepped up to the plate for a painless and stress-free x-ray.
Five minutes later, the replacement dentist came over and introduced herself to me. She then said she wanted to show me my x-ray on the computer. So I duly got up and had a look.
Well, wouldn't you know it. The tooth requiring the filling is one of my wisdom teeth! "I would advise you save your money," she told me! If the tooth ever needs to be removed then they'll do it as a standard wisdom tooth removal. But it's a top wisdom tooth and it doesn't have a matching bottom one so there's no real issue.
I have to say it's the first time I've ever hugged a dentist!
Of course, if they'd used the stand-up x-ray machine first time around we might have avoided all this. It's possible, however, that my original dentist might still have insisted on either a filling or tooth removal.
I've scheduled another check-up for August. Even though I no longer have dental insurance, the office is part of the hospital so I get an employee discount. I saved money today, so I figured I'd do the wise thing and get my teeth checked every six months as you're supposed to. Heck, considering the last time I had a check-up was back in 2002 and before that in 1995, I think I might finally be growing up *g*
So, yes, Monday got off to a better start than I'd anticipated. Hallelujah!