Plan B involves blowing up even more stuff

Jun 27, 2010 21:44

I went to see "The A-Team" on Thursday. Whew. I haven't seen any of the original show, but if it was anything near this ridiculous and awesome, then I will watch it. Those are the key words for this movie: ridiculous and awesome. Which it is more than the other depends on the scene and your opinion of plausible. If the crane from which you suspend your disbelief is a small one, you probably won't enjoy The A-Team. If it's not, use the one from the end of the movie, 'cause this is worth seeing. I will see it again in theaters, for many reasons. Such as, it scores 95 movie points for me. 20 points for explosions alone. A lot of things blow up. The trailer promised and delivered: there are exploding helicopters, planes, cargo containers, boats, shacks, and cars. Narry a type of man-made structure escapes an explosive fate.

More positives: Liam Neeson is in this movie. Woo! He carries off the tall-thin-Timothy-Omundson-
man-in-a-holster look very well. Before Taken, I was doubtful as to his action potential, but after Taken, I believe he must be in every action movie made between now and when he is too old. And Liam Neeson will never be too old. Plus there are elements of Darkman in his performance, something I enjoy very much in movies that are not Darkman. That shit was weird(coughSamRaimicough).
Bradley Cooper is attractive and largely shirtless. I approve. The guy playing Mr. T's part is fantastic. I hope they remake more things Mr. T was in, so this guy can continue to play Mr. T playing a Big Guy. Apparently the actor playing Murdock is the dude from District 9. Who knew? Probably people who have seen that movie. In any case, he makes a great crazy guy. Another actor I didn't recognize is one of the bad guys. He looks much different without the paunch and glasses. If anyone sees this movie, tell me if you recognize him. 'Cause it was like whoosh over my head. Jessica Biel does well as the poor sap assigned to catching the A-Team and is hot, as usual.

Besides being ridiculous and awesome, this movie is also funny. My favorite funny scene is actually between Bad Guy 1 and Bad Guy 2, wherein Bad Guy 2 is trying to teach Bad Guy 1's minions how to properly kill him. The minions aren't that bright, and Bad Guy 2 is like "Please, don't let this guy kill me."

Have I mentioned the bromance? It's prevalent. Or perhaps I should say roMANce. They are manly! But it is not romentic.
Things I did not like: maybe I was just tired, but the last big fight was confusing. Who is where? What part of the plan is this? Sequel: yay, nay? I think the over-the-topness could have been reined in a wee bit more. It edges into Futurama!M*A*S*H territory. There are a few moments when all I could say is awaa...? Mind you, this is from a person who owns Shoot 'em Up. But then, if you like Shoot 'Em Up, you'll like The A-Team. They do, after all, hold up their end of a dogfight from a tank. This may be blatant plagiarism from The Haunted Tank, but it it still so awesome that I will forgive the little transgressions.

Some explosions, some hotness, a little bit of Macgyvering, some humor and a plot. I don't need anything else from an action movie.

movie haiku:

These guys blow shit up
a lot. As for the bad guy,
I pity the fool.


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