Sep 26, 2008 21:12
He stood as casually as he could. Just don't pick me last, Josh. Tony and his younger brother were the captains, picking players, and it was only when his brother was captain, that Ryan could hope for a shred of dignity. Pick me already, damnit.
Soccer for the 17 year old was a painful experience. He had no ball sense, and he had little balance. Ryan had succeeded to appear like he loved the game, but his lack of talent at it meant he was always last to be chosen. He did not like that. He had pride. Only three left. Ryan bitterly hoped his brother would give him some face. "Tan, here," said his brother. "OK you take Ryan, Koks mine." Tony responded.
That didn’t really sound like I was picked last. But still…
“Why didn’t you choose me before Tan!?”
“Shut up la, you still play right, Tans better than Kok in any case, of course choose him first.”
It’s not cause I suck, its cause Kok sucks. I knew it.
At school, life was spent between classes and outings, where he’d awkwardly try to fit in. It wasn’t so much that he was weird, it was just the damnable lack of personality that he had. I have stories to tell..If they listen. But whenever he tried they never met him with much more than a patronizing smile that scathes him into silence and stuttering.
Someone said something about bush. I’ve got something. Something about his brain..what was it.. They might actually be interested; they didn’t give me that condescending look just now. OK, I should cu-…
But the conversation had shifted to another topic, and so he slipped back into forgetfulness again. Waiting for something he could say.
Their father was a stocky man, tenacious in business and words. The widower could turn grown men into shivering lumps of putty with just a sentence and it was no wonder he was exceedingly successful in his work. He was a rich man, not filthily so, but rich nonetheless. Being a practical father, he had savings, “fortunes for a rainy day”, as he always said.
Ryan was proud of his father. He loves me a lot, even if he doesn’t say so. Guys don’t say the four-letter word.
He would tell people of how his father made money. And how his father always bought him stuff. And how his father was always there for them. He missed graduation because he had to work. Work is important. Josh’s graduation was on a Sunday, not a Saturday like mine, that’s why he could go.
Ryan loved his father.
The three of them lived in a bungalow in Bukit Timah, and getting home usually meant a 10 minute walk past quiet and expensive houses. If there was no outing, Ryan usually went home for lunch. The class looked like they were going somewhere..But they'd ask me along, right?
He put the thoughts out of his mind. No point thinking about that now..
He turned the last corner before house. Damn its hot tod-
What the fuck. What the fuck?!
When he woke he was blindfolded, gagged and, given by how he couldn't move, bound in some manner. What the fuck, this is Singapore, this doesn't happen. Whats that smell, did I wet myself, why am I-
He flicked his head around in panic, and nausea overtook him.
He wet his front with acid, wait, i don't feel like i'm clothed. What the hell man, this isn't happening. This isn't happening.
After wetting his front, someone spoke from his side "Its interesting how easy it is to kidnap someone, because of the disgustingly strict penalties. Unexpected, wouldn't you say?"
Kidnapped?! No way, this is Singapore, this doesn't happen. He doesn't sound local, he doesn't sound anything, I don't know. Oh my god. This is Singapore.
"Don't worry, we just want your father's money, but since he called the cops we'll kill you after he transfers the money to us.
What the hell, but it doesn't work that way. What the hell, why are the ropes so tight?! Oh my god..
"Don't be angry at him, though, we would have thrown you overboard if he obediently paid us. You see, this isn't some television show where we meet him and let you go. This isn't some show where the cops will bust us when we do a trade. Of course, most of the families called the cops. Silly trust."
Overboard?! What the fuck where am I!?
Some shouting in the background.
"Anyway, you're the last one left, your father is quite the negotiator. Calm, too. Impressive."
Light returned to Ryan as the blindfold was taken off. As his eyes refocus, he finds himself looking at a wiry middle-aged chinese man, with smile of perfect white teeth and Oh my god.
And bodies in the background, tied to the pipes along the wall like him. with red streaks down their chest. Am I sitting in blood?
Ryan puked, though he had nothing left in him. Dad won't let me die, surely he knows how to deal with these people. Surely he'd know where to find them. Surely hes made a deal with them. Surely..
"Hahaha, don't worry you'll join them soon. Oh, your father is quite the stingy man too, isn't he? Hahaha"
And he smiled and walked out, closing the steel door and Ryan's light.
Dad would come, of course. Thats what he meant.
And there he is, tearing the door down. I wonder how hes lifting me so easily. I knew he'd come. He always c..
The chinese man wiped his knife clean as he walked to the deck. The last boy was interesting, he thought, smiling away, even as I popped his heart.
He made a mental note that rooms 3 and 4 ought to be cleared soon, and forgot all about the boy, in the endless corridors of the tanker.
I have no clue what that was. I'm bored, and I'm kinda stoned. Apologies for the lousy story.
random prose